「Centers for Disease Control and PreventionのKatherine M. Flegalが2005年に過体重(25<BMI<30)の方が健康体重(20<BMI<25)より死亡リスクが小さいという結果を出した。しかし、それは病気で痩せた慢性疾病者を含むという統計処理の誤りによるもの。過体重がいいという誤った説が10年おきに唱えられる 」
(Paul Raeburn: Can Fat Be Fit?, Scientific American 2007/09)
NY Timesの記事には、統計処理が正しくなされたか記載がないので、この指摘がヒットしているかどうか、判断がつかない。
http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/extract/294/5/552-a [ama-assn.org]
their summary results were obtained from pooling 3 separate cohorts of statistically divergent results from very heterogeneous time periods, a factor that has major methodological implications in how these data should be statistically pooled.
http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/extract/294/5/552 [ama-assn.org]
if they had accounted for 2 confounders that they did not address. The first is caused by elderly persons tending to lose weight prior to death. The second is caused by potential regression-to-the-mean patterns in the BMI data.
http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/extract/294/5/551-a [ama-assn.org]
However, the conclusion that being underweight increases mortality while being overweight (but not obese) decreases mortality does not take into account critical problems with the use of BMI as a measure of body habitus.
http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/extract/294/5/551 [ama-assn.org]
We believe that their analysis is flawed and misleading.
Thus, lean persons are a mix of smokers, healthy active persons, and those with chronic illness (due to the direct effects of disease on weight and sometimes purposeful weight loss motivated by diagnosis of a serious illness).
どっちかっつーと (スコア:5, すばらしい洞察)
病気で痩せた慢性疾病者を含むという統計処理の誤り? (スコア:5, 参考になる)
「Centers for Disease Control and PreventionのKatherine M. Flegalが2005年に過体重(25<BMI<30)の方が健康体重(20<BMI<25)より死亡リスクが小さいという結果を出した。しかし、それは病気で痩せた慢性疾病者を含むという統計処理の誤りによるもの。過体重がいいという誤った説が10年おきに唱えられる 」
(Paul Raeburn: Can Fat Be Fit?, Scientific American 2007/09)
NY Timesの記事には、統計処理が正しくなされたか記載がないので、この指摘がヒットしているかどうか、判断がつかない。
元論文 (Re:病気で痩せた慢性疾病者を含むという統計処理の誤り?) (スコア:3, 参考になる)
Flegal, K. M. et al. (2007) Cause-Specific Excess Deaths Associated With Underweight, Overweight, and Obesity [ama-assn.org]. JAMA 298:2028-2037.
Flegal, K. M. et al. (2005) Excess Deaths Associated With Underweight, Overweight, and Obesity [ama-assn.org]. JAMA 293:1861-1867.
# 後者は本文も無料です。
Flegal et al 2005 はコメント付きまくり (スコア:2, 参考になる)
http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/extract/294/5/552-a [ama-assn.org]
their summary results were obtained from pooling 3 separate cohorts of statistically divergent results from very heterogeneous time periods, a factor that has major methodological implications in how these data should be statistically pooled.
http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/extract/294/5/552 [ama-assn.org]
if they had accounted for 2 confounders that they did not address. The first is caused by elderly persons tending to lose weight prior to death. The second is caused by potential regression-to-the-mean patterns in the BMI data.
http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/extract/294/5/551-a [ama-assn.org]
However, the conclusion that being underweight increases mortality while being overweight (but not obese) decreases mortality does not take into account critical problems with the use of BMI as a measure of body habitus.
http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/extract/294/5/551 [ama-assn.org]
We believe that their analysis is flawed and misleading.
Thus, lean persons are a mix of smokers, healthy active persons, and those with chronic illness (due to the direct effects of disease on weight and sometimes purposeful weight loss motivated by diagnosis of a serious illness).
これについて、Fregal et alはReplyを書いていますが、本文修正をするつもりのない書き出し(全文は有償なので読んでいません)
http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/extract/294/5/552-b [ama-assn.org]
ということで、Fregal et al.[2007]でも統計処理そのものを変えていないと思われます。
Re:Flegal et al 2005 はコメント付きまくり (スコア:0)
Re:病気で痩せた慢性疾病者を含むという統計処理の誤り? (スコア:0)
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Re:どっちかっつーと (スコア:1)
Re:どっちかっつーと (スコア:0)
Re:どっちかっつーと (スコア:1)