However, a rumor reached me last night that ELF, the file format
for Unix binary executables, is part of it. Supposedly SCO
regards ELF as a derivative of COFF, the old System V binary format
invented by AT&T in the dark and backward abysm of time.
ESR (スコア:2, 参考になる)
NewsForgeにて Eric Raymond がこの件についての記事を書いてますね。
However, a rumor reached me last night that ELF, the file format
for Unix binary executables, is part of it. Supposedly SCO
regards ELF as a derivative of COFF, the old System V binary format
invented by AT&T in the dark and backward abysm of time.
Re:ESR (スコア:1)
However, a rumor reached me last night that ELF, the file format for Unix binary executables, is part of it.
しかしながら、昨夜私のもとに届いたうわさによると、 Unixのバイナリ実行ファイルのフォーマットであるELFも、 この(訳注:ライセンス訴訟の)一部に含まれているということだ。
Supposedly SCO regards ELF as a derivative of COFF, the old System V binary format invented by AT&T in the dark and backward abysm of time.
恐らく、SCOはELFをCOFFの派生物だと見なしているのだろう。 COFFは、古代暗黒時代にAT&Tによって開発された 古いSystem Vのバイナリフォーマットだ。