We interviewed NetBSD programmers Christos Zoulas, Luke Mewburn, Ben Collver, Nathan J. Williams, Jaromir Dolecek, Chuck Silvers, Hubert Feyrer, Bret Lymn, Jan Schaumann, Roland Dowdeswell, and Niels Provos. Here's what they had to say about some of the new features in NetBSD:
我々(訳注:NewsForge記者)は、NetBSDのプログラマのChristos Zoulas, Luke Mewburn, Ben Collver, Nathan J. Williams, Jaromir Dolecek, Chuck Silvers, Hubert Feyrer, Bret Lymn, Jan Schaumann, Roland Dowdeswell, およびNiels Provosにインタビ
Jan Schaumann: I don't know about plans, but there's sysutils/mklivecd in pkgsrc, which allows any user to create their own LiveCDs. Maybe worth mentioning. (I'll actually be using 2.0-based LiveCDs for a local programming contest organized by the ACM.)
Hubert Feyrer: Yes. A German language, 2.0-based LiveCD was already published by the German FreeX magazine. The CD boots into KDE and offers KOffice, Sodipodi and a number of other applications. An international version of the CD has been kindly made available by FreeX editor Joerg Braun which will be made available at about the time 2.0 will be released.
Jan Schaumann: 計画に関して知らないが、pkgsrcにsysutils/mklivecdというツールがあり、どんなユーザでも独自のLiveCDを作れる。言っておく価値はあると思う(ACMで行われるローカルなプログラムコンテストで2.0ベースのライブCDを実際に使うつもりだ)
翻訳のツリー (スコア:4, 参考になる)
我々(訳注:NewsForge記者)は、NetBSDのプログラマのChristos Zoulas, Luke Mewburn, Ben Collver, Nathan J. Williams, Jaromir Dolecek, Chuck Silvers, Hubert Feyrer, Bret Lymn, Jan Schaumann, Roland Dowdeswell, およびNiels Provosにインタビ
Q24 and A24 (スコア:2, 参考になる)
Jan Schaumann: I don't know about plans, but there's sysutils/mklivecd in pkgsrc, which allows any user to create their own LiveCDs. Maybe worth mentioning. (I'll actually be using 2.0-based LiveCDs for a local programming contest organized by the ACM.)
Hubert Feyrer: Yes. A German language, 2.0-based LiveCD was already published by the German FreeX magazine. The CD boots into KDE and offers KOffice, Sodipodi and a number of other applications. An international version of the CD has been kindly made available by FreeX editor Joerg Braun which will be made available at about the time 2.0 will be released.
Jan Schaumann: 計画に関して知らないが、pkgsrcにsysutils/mklivecdというツールがあり、どんなユーザでも独自のLiveCDを作れる。言っておく価値はあると思う(ACMで行われるローカルなプログラムコンテストで2.0ベースのライブCDを実際に使うつもりだ)
Hubert Feyrer: たしかに。ドイツ語版の2.0ベースのライブCDはすでにドイツのFreeX Magazine(http://www.netbsd.org/gallery/articles.html#freeX-livecd)から発行されている。CDはKDEでブートし、KOffice、Sodipoidおよび他の多くのアプリケーションを提供する。国際版のCDも、親切なことにFreeXの編集者のJoerg Braunが作成中で、2.0がリリースされるころには利用できるだろう。
Re:Q24 and A24 (スコア:1)
やることが速いですね... すごいな。
Enjoy Computing, Skiing, as much as Horse Racing.