12. What is your opinion on PC-BSD and OpenSolaris?
How's your cooperation --if any--
with OpenBSD & NetBSD these days?
John Baldwin:
It's great to see someone taking FreeBSD and extending
it to be even more friendly to desktop end-users.
No opinion as of yet; haven't had time to look at it.
*BSD: FreeBSD recently imported if_bridge(4)
from NetBSD and dhclient(8) from OpenBSD
so we certainly have no problem taking code
from our sibling projects.
I'm not as familiar with any code going in the other
direction as I really only have the time and brain
capacity to focus on one open source operating system.
Robert N M Watson:
Sun has a long history of innovative
operating system work, and it's really great
to see them starting to get parts of Solaris
out under an open source license.
Sun has obviously long depended on and interacted
with the open source community,
and their ability to work this through
Sun Legal is impressive :-).
An interesting question for Sun will be whether
they can build a community around OpenSolaris
that extends beyond Sun-employed developers
in the same way that Apple has started to see
success in building a community around Darwin.
A point I was reminded of recently by Mike Smith at
Apple is that there are really two things we mean by open source:
we mean the licensing/distribution of software,
but also the community that is built around it.
Key to the success of an open source project is
both of these elements,
and creating and maintaining that community requires
easily as much investment as the software
development itself.
However, once achieved,
the pay-offs for everyone involved can be huge.
With respect to other open source projects
-- FreeBSD remains both a large producer
and consumer of open source,
generating open source foundations for many
other open source projects,
as well as consuming the output of many other
open source projects.
In the closed source world,
competition is a powerful force for change,
as it is in the open source world. However,
in open source world,
the opportunities for collaboration and cooperation
are far greater than in the closed source world,
so we have the opportunity to share
ideas and code much more easily,
and as a result benefit from that exchange.
A point that is sometimes lost when the
"Open Source Community" and "Open Source Software Stacks"
are discussed is the importance of both
competition and cooperation in its success.
Open source makes possible a market place of ideas
and the incarnation of those ideas in source code.
We're all better off for the existence of many competing
(and cooperating) software projects,
and let's hope we never move away from
a world where that is the case.
Robert N M Watson: Sun には革新的な OS 作品の長い歴史があるので、
Solaris の各部がオープンソース・ライセンスのもとに提供され始めたことは
本当にすごいと思います。Sun は確かに長いあいだオープンソース・コミュニティ
に依存し相互作用してきましたし、こうしたことを Sun Legal を通しておこなう
能力は見事なものです :-) 。Sun に関する興味深い疑問の一つは、「OpenSolaris
の周囲にコミュニティを造ることができるか」、しかも「Apple が Darwin
コミュニティで成功しつつあるように、Sun もコミュニティで社員の開発者を超えた
Apple の Mike Smith が最近思い出させてくれた点があります。それは、我々が
Robert N M Watson:
SunにはOS製品を革新してきた長い歴史があり、オープンソースライセンスの元でSolarisの各部を公開するというのは非常にすばらしいことです。長年、Sunがオープンソースコミュニティーからの恩恵を受けてきたこと、SunとOSSコミュニティーが互いに影響を与えあってきたことは明らかで、[Sunが]Sun Legal を通じてそれを行う能力には感銘を受けます:-)。DarwinプロジェクトにおいてAppleが成功しつつあるのと同様に、OpenSolarisプロジェクトにおいても、コミュニティを形成してSunの開発陣[の開発能力]を拡張できるかどうか、興味深いところです。
この間Apple社でMike Smith に言われて再認識したことですが、オープンソース[という言葉]には2つの意味があります。ソフトウェアのライセンスやディストリビューションを指すこともありますが、プロジェクトに関わるコミュニティを指すこともあります。
12. What is your opinion on PC-BSD and ... (スコア:1)
How's your cooperation --if any--
with OpenBSD & NetBSD these days?
John Baldwin:
It's great to see someone taking FreeBSD and extending
it to be even more friendly to desktop end-users.
No opinion as of yet; haven't had time to look at it.
*BSD: FreeBSD recently imported if_bridge(4)
from NetBSD and dhclient(8) from OpenBSD
so we certainly have no problem taking code
from our sibling projects.
I'm not as familiar with any code going in the other
direction as I really only have the time and brain
capacity to focus on one open source operating system.
Robert N M Watson:
Sun has a long history of innovative
operating system work, and it's really great
to see them starting to get parts of Solaris
out under an open source license.
Sun has obviously long depended on and interacted
with the open source community,
and their ability to work this through
Sun Legal is impressive :-).
An interesting question for Sun will be whether
they can build a community around OpenSolaris
that extends beyond Sun-employed developers
in the same way that Apple has started to see
success in building a community around Darwin.
A point I was reminded of recently by Mike Smith at
Apple is that there are really two things we mean by open source:
we mean the licensing/distribution of software,
but also the community that is built around it.
Key to the success of an open source project is
both of these elements,
and creating and maintaining that community requires
easily as much investment as the software
development itself.
However, once achieved,
the pay-offs for everyone involved can be huge.
With respect to other open source projects
-- FreeBSD remains both a large producer
and consumer of open source,
generating open source foundations for many
other open source projects,
as well as consuming the output of many other
open source projects.
In the closed source world,
competition is a powerful force for change,
as it is in the open source world. However,
in open source world,
the opportunities for collaboration and cooperation
are far greater than in the closed source world,
so we have the opportunity to share
ideas and code much more easily,
and as a result benefit from that exchange.
A point that is sometimes lost when the
"Open Source Community" and "Open Source Software Stacks"
are discussed is the importance of both
competition and cooperation in its success.
Open source makes possible a market place of ideas
and the incarnation of those ideas in source code.
We're all better off for the existence of many competing
(and cooperating) software projects,
and let's hope we never move away from
a world where that is the case.
Re:12. What is your opinion on PC-BSD and ... (スコア:1)
12. PC-BSD と OpenSolaris に関する意見をお聞かせください。
また、最近は OpenBSD や NetBSD とどのように協力しているのですか。
John Baldwin:
Robert N M Watson: Sun には革新的な OS 作品の長い歴史があるので、
Solaris の各部がオープンソース・ライセンスのもとに提供され始めたことは
本当にすごいと思います。Sun は確かに長いあいだオープンソース・コミュニティ
に依存し相互作用してきましたし、こうしたことを Sun Legal を通しておこなう
能力は見事なものです :-) 。Sun に関する興味深い疑問の一つは、「OpenSolaris
の周囲にコミュニティを造ることができるか」、しかも「Apple が Darwin
コミュニティで成功しつつあるように、Sun もコミュニティで社員の開発者を超えた
Apple の Mike Smith が最近思い出させてくれた点があります。それは、我々が
他のオープンソース・プロジェクトに関することで言うと、FreeBSD というのは
アイディアの具体化を (ソースコードの中で) 可能にします。我々は皆、数々の競合
(および協働) プロジェクトが存在するおかげでうまくやっていけているのです。
あらら (スコア:1)
12. PC-BSDとOpenSolarisについてどうお考えですか?
John Baldwin:
Robert N M Watson:
SunにはOS製品を革新してきた長い歴史があり、オープンソースライセンスの元でSolarisの各部を公開するというのは非常にすばらしいことです。長年、Sunがオープンソースコミュニティーからの恩恵を受けてきたこと、SunとOSSコミュニティーが互いに影響を与えあってきたことは明らかで、[Sunが]Sun Legal を通じてそれを行う能力には感銘を受けます:-)。DarwinプロジェクトにおいてAppleが成功しつつあるのと同様に、OpenSolarisプロジェクトにおいても、コミュニティを形成してSunの開発陣[の開発能力]を拡張できるかどうか、興味深いところです。
この間Apple社でMike Smith に言われて再認識したことですが、オープンソース[という言葉]には2つの意味があります。ソフトウェアのライセンスやディストリビューションを指すこともありますが、プロジェクトに関わるコミュニティを指すこともあります。
Re:あらら (スコア:1)
私としては YOUPohwa さんの訳のほうが読みやすくて理解しやすいので、こっちをプッシュします。
白状するとともに感謝 (スコア:1)