7. Apple announced recently that they are swiching to x86. What does this mean for FreeBSD and other open source OSes?
John Baldwin:
I do not currently foresee it causing any changes in the free software world.
Robert N M Watson:
Apple's work on Mac OS X is very impressive
-- they've successfully drawn from both their extensive experience in UI and application design,
and a host of open source origins,
including Mach, BSD, FreeBSD, KDE, FSF's tool chain, and Python,
not to mention their closed source comp
Anonymous Coward
on 2005年06月29日 4時14分
7. Apple announced recently that they are swiching to x86.
What does this mean for FreeBSD and other open source OSes?
John Baldwin:
I do not currently foresee it causing any changes in the free software world.
Robert N M Watson:
Apple's work on Mac OS X is very impressive
-- they've successfully drawn from both their extensive experience in UI and application design,
and a host of open source origins,
including Mach, BSD, FreeBSD, KDE, FSF's tool chain, and Python,
not to mention their closed source components,
such as windowing system and application suites.
others to create a convincing and powerful desktop product.
Part of the root of their success is in interacting
with and building on open source products
-- be it FreeBSD network stack code,
or the KDE web browser components.
7. Apple announced recently that they are ... (スコア:1)
What does this mean for FreeBSD and other open source OSes?
John Baldwin:
I do not currently foresee it causing any changes in the free software world.
Robert N M Watson:
Apple's work on Mac OS X is very impressive
-- they've successfully drawn from both their extensive experience in UI and application design,
and a host of open source origins,
including Mach, BSD, FreeBSD, KDE, FSF's tool chain, and Python,
not to mention their closed source comp
Re:7. Apple announced recently that they are ... (スコア:0)
7. Apple announced recently that they are swiching to x86.
What does this mean for FreeBSD and other open source OSes?
John Baldwin:
I do not currently foresee it causing any changes in the free software world.
Robert N M Watson:
Apple's work on Mac OS X is very impressive
-- they've successfully drawn from both their extensive experience in UI and application design,
and a host of open source origins,
including Mach, BSD, FreeBSD, KDE, FSF's tool chain, and Python,
not to mention their closed source components,
such as windowing system and application suites.
Mac OS Xに対するAppleの取り組みは非常に印象的です。
彼らは、ユーザーインターフェースやアプリケーションのデザインについての多くの経験に加えて、ウィンドゥのあるようなシステムやアプリケーションスイートなど、非公開のソースコンポーネントは言うにおよばず、Mach, BSD, FreeBSD, KDE, FSFのツール群、それにPythonなど、沢山のオープンソースを使うことにより、成功を収めています。
others to create a convincing and powerful desktop product.
Part of the root of their success is in interacting
with and building on open source products
-- be it FreeBSD network stack code,
or the KDE web browser components.
I don't see this going away with the move to i386,
and hopefully we'll see even more contributions back to the open source community.