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Slashdot: Bluecherry Open Sources Its Entire Linux Surveillance Server

フィード by slashdotorg-feed
"Big changes are here," writes the official blog for Bluecherry: In 2010 we released our multi-port MPEG4 video capture card with an open source driver (solo6x10) and in 2011 updated the driver to support our multi-port H.264 capture cards. Later, this open source driver was later added into the mainline Linux kernel. In 2013 we released our multi-platform surveillance application client with an open source (GPL) license. We are proud to announce that Effective April 18, 2019 we have released the entire Bluecherry software application open source with a GPL license. An anonymous reader writes: This includes the Linux based server application and the Windows / Linux / OS X client. Bluecherry's GitHub repo is now open for public viewing.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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