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11878972 comment

+ - -50 コメント: Re:電源供給が残念 (スコア 0) 111

by Anonymous Coward (#2747248) ネタ元: 小型で低価格ながら実用的な「新世代ネットブック」




11878996 feed

+ - 1 Slashdot: The Most Popular Passwords Are Still "123456" and "password"

フィード by slashdotorg-feed
BarbaraHudson writes: The Independent lists the most popular passwords for 2014, and once again, "123456" tops the list, followed by "password" and "12345" at #3 (lots of Spaceballs fans out there?) . "qwerty" still makes the list, but there are some new entries in the top 25, including "superman", "batman", and "696969". The passwords used were mostly from North American and Western European leaks.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

11878977 feed

+ - 1 Slashdot: Google Thinks the Insurance Industry May Be Ripe For Disruption

フィード by slashdotorg-feed
HughPickens.com writes: The insurance industry is a fat target — there's were about $481 billion in premiums in 2013, and agents' commissions of about $50 billion. Now Conor Dougherty writes in the NYT that the boring but lucrative trade has been attracting big names like Google, which has formed a partnership with Comparenow, an American auto insurance comparison site that will give Google access to insurers in Comparenow's network. "A lot of people are waking up to the fact that it's a massive industry, it's old-fashioned, they still use human agents and the commissions are pretty big," says Jennifer Fitzgerald. It may seem like an odd match for Google, whose projects include driverless cars, delivery drones and a pill to detect cancer, but the key to insurance is having lots of data about people's backgrounds and habits, which is perhaps the company's greatest strength. "They have a ton of data on where people drive, how people drive," says Jon McNeill. "It's the holy grail of being able to price auto insurance correctly." People in the industry and Silicon Valley say it is only a matter of time before online agencies attack the armies of intermediaries that are the backbone of the trade, and Google could present formidable competition for other insurance sellers. As many as two-thirds of insurance customers say they would consider purchasing insurance products from organizations other than insurers, including 23 percent who would consider buying from online service providers such as Google and Amazon. Google Compare auto insurance site has already been operating in Britain for two years as a search engine for auto insurance prices.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

11878955 journal

+ - 41 float32の日記:

日記 by float32


11878952 comment

+ - -50 matsu03のコメント: Re:ファイヤウオール (スコア 1) 92


11878948 comment

+ - -50 コメント: Re:この記事を思い出したのですが (スコア 0) 25

by Anonymous Coward (#2747246) ネタ元: 人間の言語は石器を作るために進化した?


11878943 comment

+ - -50 コメント: Re:中途半端 (スコア 0) 111

by Anonymous Coward (#2747244) ネタ元: 小型で低価格ながら実用的な「新世代ネットブック」

#新幹線ユーザーなら Let's Note 一択だけど。というか新幹線ってなんで Let's Noteだらけなの?

経費(=自分の懐が痛まない)でかっこつけられるからじゃね? あれさえ自分の前に置いときゃ女にもてそうとか。

11878936 comment

+ - -50 コメント: 軽いは正義 (スコア 0) 111

by Anonymous Coward (#2747241) ネタ元: 小型で低価格ながら実用的な「新世代ネットブック」



11878932 comment

+ - -50 コメント: お得とか言うが (スコア 0) 69



11878976 feed

+ - 1 Slashdot: Police Nation-Wide Use Wall-Penetrating Radars To Peer Into Homes

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mi writes At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies have secretly equipped their officers with radar devices that allow them to effectively peer through the walls of houses to see whether anyone is inside. The device the Marshals Service and others are using, known as the Range-R, looks like a sophisticated stud-finder. Its display shows whether it has detected movement on the other side of a wall and, if so, how far away it is — but it does not show a picture of what's happening inside. The Range-R's maker, L-3 Communications, estimates it has sold about 200 devices to 50 law enforcement agencies at a cost of about $6,000 each. Other radar devices have far more advanced capabilities, including three-dimensional displays of where people are located inside a building, according to marketing materials from their manufacturers. One is capable of being mounted on a drone. And the Justice Department has funded research to develop systems that can map the interiors of buildings and locate the people within them.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

11878925 comment

+ - -50 コメント: Re:免許制 (スコア 0) 75

by Anonymous Coward (#2747238) ネタ元: 「準中型免許」新設へ 警察庁案




11878923 comment

+ - -50 コメント: Re:なんだかよく分からないが、良くないものだろう (スコア 0) 69


# その人たちは他人をバカにしたりはしなかったと思う フォン・ノイマンはそれなりに野心的だったかもしれんけど

11878914 comment

+ - -50 コメント: もっと小さいのを! (スコア 0) 111

by Anonymous Coward (#2747235) ネタ元: 小型で低価格ながら実用的な「新世代ネットブック」



11878910 comment

+ - -50 コメント: PC が 10 年前に通過した地点 (スコア 0) 2

by Anonymous Coward (#2747234) ネタ元: 広告はバッテリーを大量に消費する

携帯電話の PC 化に伴って、10 年前に PC で問題視されていた広告による電力消費が

参考: 高木浩光@自宅☆の日記 - 環境負荷の高いIBM広告

その結果として本来高速な Google Chrome よりも、Adblock を入れている Firefox のほうが
広告待ちがないぶん快適に Web を見られたりもしますね。

11878919 feed

+ - 1 Slashdot: Librem: a Laptop Custom-Made For Free/Libre Software

フィード by slashdotorg-feed
Bunnie Huang's Novena laptop re-invents the laptop with open source (and Free software) in mind, but the hackability that it's built for requires a fair amount of tolerance on a user's part for funky design and visible guts. New submitter dopeghost writes with word of the nearly-funded (via Crowd Supply) Librem laptop, a different kind of Free-software machine using components "specifically selected so that no binary blobs are needed in the Linux kernel that ships with the laptop." Made from high quality components and featuring a MacBook-like design including a choice of HiDPI screen, the Librem might just be the first laptop to ship with a modern Intel CPU that is not locked down to require proprietary firmware. Richard M. Stallman, president of the FSF, said, "Getting rid of the signature checking is an important step. While it doesn't give us free code for the firmware, it means that users will really have control of the firmware once we get free code for it." Unlike some crowdfunding projects, this one is far from pie-in-the-sky, relying mostly on off-the-shelf components, with a planned shipping date in Spring of this year: "Purism is manufacturing the motherboard, and screen printing the keyboard. Purism is sourcing the case, daughter cards, memory, drives, battery, camera, and screen."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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