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13895300 feed

+ - 5 Slashdot: Applying For Your Next Job May Be an Automated Nightmare

フィード by slashdotorg-feed
merbs writes: If you think looking for a job is already daunting, anxiety-riddled, and unpleasant, just wait until the algorithms take over the hiring process. When they do, a newfangled 'digital recruiter' like VCV, which just received $1.7 million in early investment, hopes it will look something like this: First, a search bot will be used to scan CVs by the thousands, yours presumably among them. If it's picked out of the haystack, you will be contacted by a chatbot. Over SMS, the bot will set an appointment for a phone interview, which will be conducted by an automated system enabled by voice recognition AI. Next, the system will ask you, the applicant, to record video responses to a set of predetermined interview questions. Finally, the program can use facial recognition and predictive analytics to complete the screening, algorithmically determining whether the nervousness, mood, and behavior patterns you exhibit make you a fit for the company. If you pass all that, then you will be recommended for an in-person job interview. [...] VCV, which did not respond to a request for comment, is far from alone here. A growing suite of startups is pitching AI-driven recruitment services, promising to save corporations millions of dollars throughout the hiring process by reducing overhead, to pluck more ideal candidates out of obscurity, and to reduce bias in the hiring process. Most offer little to no evidence of how they actually do so. VCV's much-larger competitor, HireVue, which has raked in a staggering $93 million in funding and is backed by top-tier Silicon Valley venture capital firms like Sequoia, is hocking many of the same services. It counts 700 companies as its clients, including, it says, Urban Outfitters, Intel, Honeywell, and Unilever. AllyO, which was founded in 2015, and "utilizes deep workflow conversational AI to fully automate end to end recruiting workflow" has $19 million in backing.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

13895295 journal

+ - 98 m13zzの日記: DQN SEたちの思い出 その43 G-square Light

日記 by m13zz

■G-square Light
43-01. 単語の不細工な短縮が大好き。

アカデミー -> アカデミ
サーベイランス -> サーベ

43-02. 昼休みは11:45から。

43-03. 保身のための組織作り
例. 品質管理課

13895291 submission

+ - 169 Windows 10 May 2019 Update、外部ストレージが接続された状態では適用できない

タレコミ by headless
headless 曰く、
Microsoftのサポートドキュメントによると、USBストレージやSDカードなどの外部ストレージが接続された状態では、Windows 10 May 2019 Update(バージョン1903)の適用がブロックされるそうだ(BetaNewsの記事Softpediaの記事The Registerの記事)。

対象となるのはWindows 10 バージョン1803/1809を実行している環境で、外部ストレージが接続された状態でMay 2019 Updateへのアップグレードを実行すると、不適切なドライブ文字再割り当てが発生する可能性があるためだという。ドライブ文字再割り当ての影響を受けるのは外部ストレージだけでなく、内蔵ドライブも影響を受ける可能性がある。そのため、May 2019 Updateへアップグレードするには外部ストレージを取り外しておく必要がある。このPCはアップグレードできないといったエラーが表示された場合、外部ストレージを取り外してからアップグレードを再開すればいい。

この問題は将来のアップデートで修正される予定で、Windows 10 Insider Preview ビルド18877(20H1)では修正されているとのこと。Windows 10ではアップグレード時に空き容量が不足した場合、外部ストレージで補うことが可能だが、May 2019 Updateへのアップグレード時には利用できないということになりそうだ。なお、バージョン1809までのWindows 10ではストレージ容量の最低要件が32ビット版で16GB以上、64ビット版で20GB以上となっていたが、May 2019 Updateでは32ビット版・64ビット版ともに32GB以上へ変更されている。
13895289 feed

+ - 5 Slashdot: Scientific Linux Distro is Being Discontinued; The Fermi National Accelerator La

フィード by slashdotorg-feed
Scientific Linux, a 14-year-old operating system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and which was maintained by some significant members of the scientific community such as The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and CERN, is being discontinued. From a report: While current versions (6 and 7) will continue to be supported, future development has permanently ended, with the organizations instead turning to CentOS -- another distro based on RHEL. "Scientific Linux is driven by Fermilab's scientific mission and focused on the changing needs of experimental facilities. Fermilab is looking ahead to DUNE and other future international collaborations. One part of this is unifying our computing platform with collaborating labs and institutions," said James Amundson, Head of Scientific Computing Division, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

13895288 comment

+ - -50 コメント: Re:コストかかるねえ (スコア 0) 52


13895287 comment

+ - -50 コメント: 某ファーストフードチェーン店では (スコア 1) 79

by Anonymous Coward (#3605405) ネタ元: 大阪メトロ、顔認証で改札を通れるシステムを導入へ


13895282 comment

+ - -50 コメント: Re:エロゲは (スコア 0) 206

by Anonymous Coward (#3605403) ネタ元: スラドに聞け:平成時代のビデオゲーム最高の1本といえば



13895281 comment

+ - -50 コメント: Re:開通は2017年度 (スコア 0) 52


13895283 feed

+ - 5 Slashdot: Drivers Think Bikers Are Less Than Human, Survey Says

フィード by slashdotorg-feed
Researchers have found an explanation for why many drivers act out toward cyclists: They are actually dehumanizing people who ride bikes, according to an April study by Australian researchers in the journal Transportation Research. From a report: And this dehumanization -- the belief that a group of people are less than human -- correlates to drivers' self-reported aggressive behavior. Since 2010, cyclist fatalities have increased by 25 percent in the US. A total of 777 bicyclists were killed in crashes with drivers in 2017, and 45,000 were injured from crashes in 2015. Data compiled by the League of American Bicyclists also suggests that, in some states, bicyclists are overrepresented in the number of traffic fatalities. "The idea is that if you don't see a group of people as fully human, then you're more likely to be aggressive toward them," said Narelle Haworth, a professor and director of the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety at Queensland University of Technology, one of the authors of the study. The researchers asked 442 Australians, including those who identified as cyclists, to rank the average cyclist on a scale from ape to human. This ape-to-human diagram has been used in other studies, like this one from 2015, looking at the dehumanization of marginalized groups, such as Muslims and black people.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

13895276 journal

+ - 42 hixの日記: 映画「バイス」 2

日記 by hix


13895275 comment

+ - -50 コメント: Re:風力はともかく (スコア 0) 47

> 戦時中日本と戦ったのは中華人民共和国(中国共産党)ではありませんよ。

「日本軍により3万人虐殺された」との主張は「当時の中国 = 中華民国」の主張ですよね。

> 連合国側からは、まず連合国軍最高司令官ダグラス・マッカーサーが4連合国(米、英、ソ、中)を代表するとともに日本と戦争状態にある他の連合国のために署名を行った。その後、アメリカ合衆国代表チェスター・ニミッツ、中華民国代表徐永昌、イギリス代表ブルース・フレーザー、ソビエト連邦代表クズマ・デレヴャーンコ (en) 、オーストラリア代表トーマス・ブレイミー (en) 、カナダ代表ムーア・ゴスグローブ (en) 、フランス代表フィリップ・ルクレール、オランダ代表コンラート・ヘルフリッヒ (en) 、ニュージーランド代表レナード・イシット (en) が署名した。


> 中国で教えられてる事は嘘っぱちです。


13895274 feed

+ - 5 Slashdot: Hacker Can Monitor Cars And Kill Their Engines After Breaking Into GPS Tracking

フィード by slashdotorg-feed
Reader eatmorekix writes: A hacker broke into thousands of accounts belonging to users of two GPS tracker apps, giving him the ability to monitor the locations of tens of thousands of vehicles and even turn off the engines for some of them while they were in motion, Motherboard has learned. The hacker, who goes by the name L&M, told Motherboard he hacked into more than 7,000 iTrack accounts and more than 20,000 ProTrack accounts, two apps that companies use monitor and manage fleets of vehicles through GPS tracking devices. The hacker was able to track vehicles in a handful of countries around the world, including South Africa, Morocco, India, and the Philippines. On some cars, the software has the capability of remotely turning off the engines of vehicles that are stopped or are traveling 12 miles per hour or slower, according to the manufacturer of certain GPS tracking devices. By reverse engineering ProTrack and iTrack's Android apps, L&M said he realized that all customers are given a default password of 123456 when they sign up. At that point, the hacker said he brute-forced 'millions of usernames' via the apps' API. Then, he said he wrote a script to attempt to login using those usernames and the default password. This allowed him to automatically break into thousands of accounts that were using the default password and extract data from them.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

13895272 journal

+ - 112 hixの日記: 映画「クレヨンしんちゃん」

日記 by hix




13895270 comment

+ - -50 コメント: Re:Re: ハニトラ (スコア 0) 110

by Anonymous Coward (#3605398) ネタ元: 空自のF35A、洋上でレーダーロスト。その後墜落が確認される

引き上げに使われると噂の VAN GOGH をマリントラフィックで見ると、

Voyage Infoが
> ATD : 2019-04-24 08:55 LT (UTC +9)
> ETA : 2019-04-29 06:00 LT (UTC)



私は悩みをリストアップし始めたが、そのあまりの長さにいやけがさし、何も考えないことにした。-- Robert C. Pike
