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ロサンゼルス沖合で正体不明のミサイルが発射される 65

ストーリー by hylom
うかつな月曜日 部門より

rxk14007 曰く


ミサイルは海上に落下したと推測され、被害は報告されていないが、誰が何の目的で発射したか不明なため、アメリカでは大きな騒ぎになっている。アメリカミサイル防衛局(U.S. Missile Defense Agency)もアメリカ海軍のどちらもミサイル発射を否定しており、更に民間の宇宙ロケット打ち上げ許可も下りていない。


The launch occurred about 35 miles out at sea, west of Los Angeles and north of Catalina Island.
Gregor said, "We did not approve any commercial space launches in that area for Monday, and any additional information should come from NORAD. That's pretty much all I can say right now."
A spokesman with the U.S. Missile Defense Agency told SPACE.com in an e-mail that the incident was "not an MDA test or launch."
A Navy spokesperson told station KFMB that no Navy activity had been reported in the area Monday evening. NORAD — the North American Aerospace Defense Command — is a joint U.S.-Canadian organization charged with providing aerospace warning, aerospace control and maritime warning for North America. NORAD is working in conjunction with U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) to investigate last night's launch.

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Stay hungry, Stay foolish. -- Steven Paul Jobs
