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ChaldeaGeckoの日記: J.G.バラード「太陽の帝国」その7 / バラードの異常な愛情、さもなくば:わたしはいかにしてさいなみを止めて爆弾を愛するようになったか

日記 by ChaldeaGecko


One day China would punish the rest of the world, and take a frightening revenge.



Definition of one day
1: at some time in the future
2: on a day in the past

Definition of would
1—used in auxiliary function to express plan or intention
3—used in auxiliary function to express consent or choice
4—used in auxiliary function to express probability or presumption in past or present time
5—used in auxiliary function to express a request with which voluntary compliance is expected
6—used in auxiliary function with rather or sooner to express preference
7a—used in auxiliary function in the conclusion of a conditional sentence to express a contingency or possibility
b—used in auxiliary function in a noun clause (such as one completing a statement of desire, request, or advice)
8—used in auxiliary function to express custom or habitual action
10—used in auxiliary function to express doubt or uncertainty
11a—used in auxiliary function to express wish, desire, or intent
b—used in auxiliary function to express willingness or preference
12a: strongly desire : WISH
b archaic : WISHED, DESIRED
c archaic : wish for : WANT

Definition of punish
1a: to impose a penalty on for a fault, offense, or violation
b: to inflict a penalty for the commission of (an offense) in retribution or retaliation
2a: to deal with roughly or harshly
b: to inflict injury on : HURT
ChinaとIはダジャレルン!あとは自分で調べるルン。念のためにつけくわえておくと、この文は最初のほうの"During the winter of 1941~"と対応してるルンからね。

「太陽の帝国」って日本のことかと思った? 残念! 中国のこと(も)でした!キラやば〜☆

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