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ChaldeaGeckoの日記: アーレントは腐女子でした

日記 by ChaldeaGecko


According to Greek thought, the human capacity for political organization is not only different from but stands in direct opposition to that natural association (whose center is the home (oikia) and the family). 


The rise of the city-state meant that man received "besides his private life a sort of second life, his bios politikos. Now every citizen belongs to two orders of existence; and there is a sharp distinction in his life between what is his own (idion) and what is communal (koinon)."

order of existenceは性欲のことです。

It was not just an opinion or theory of Aristotle but a simple historical fact that the foundation of the polis was preceded by the destruction of all organized units resting on kinship, such as the phratria and the phyle.
フラトリアやフュレーといった、親族関係が残る人びとの親密な関係はすべて、ポリスの創設に先立って破壊されたが、それは たんにアリストテレスの意見や理屈というわけではなく、単純な歴史的事実だ。


Of all the activities necessary and present in human communities, only two were deemed to be political and constitute what Aristotle called the bios politikos, namely action (praxis) and speech (lexis),


out of which rises the realm of human affairs (ta ton anthropon pragmata as Plato used to call it) from which everything merely necessary or useful is strictly excluded.
人間の出来事の領域(ta ton anthropon pragmataとプラトンは呼んだことがある)が言論と活動からそびえ立つ。それからは必要なだけのもの、役に立つだけのものはみな徹底的に排除される。

the realm of human affairsはお〇ん〇んのことです。realmはrealとのダジャレで、affairsはラブアフェアのことです。このギリシャ語の意味はthe people thingsです。

However, while certainly only the foundation of the city-state enabled men to spend their whole lives in the political realm, in action and speech, the conviction that these two human capacities belonged together and are the highest of all seems to have preceded the polis and was already present in pre-Socratic thought. 


The stature of the Homeric Achilles can be understood only if one sees him as "the doer of great deeds and the speaker of great words."

(the doer of great) deeds and (the speaker of great) words.

In distinction from modern understanding, such words were not considered to be great because they expressed great thoughts;

great thoughtsは「ホモの恋」です。

on the contrary, as we know from the last lines Antigone, it may be the capacity for "great words" (megaloi logoi) with which to reply to striking blows that will eventually teach thought in old age.
むしろ、『アンティゴネー』の最後の数行から考えると、偉大な思考は「偉大なことば」(megaloi logoi)を受け取る能力だろう。それは驕り高ぶった風への報いであり、最後に古の思考を教える。

striking blowsはblow jobフェ〇チオのことです。「それはホモのことばを受け入れる能力だろう。そのことばは激しいフェ〇チオへの返礼に用いられ、最後に古の恋を教える」。

Thought was secondary to speech, but speech and action were considered to be coeval and coequal, of the same rank and the same kind;


and this originally meant not only that most political action, in so far as it remains outside the sphere of violence, is indeed transacted in words,

indeedとin deed証書のダジャレ。

but more fundamentally that finding the right words at the right moment, quite apart from the information or communication they may convery, is action.


Only sheer violence is mute, and for this reason violence alone can never be great.


Even when, relatively late in antiquity, the arts of war and speech (rhetoric) emerged as the two principal political subjects of education, the development was still inspired by the older pre-polis experience and tradition and remained subject to it.


(the doer of great) deeds and (the speaker of great) words


 the accident,
  which is repeated, and the veiled meaning,
  which is the true reality and leads us towards the drive

これはまったくおなじ、隠喩のことを言っています。great=the accident, word=the veiled meaning, deed=the true realityです。speechがthoughtを生むので(actionではないが、おなじものの見方の違いです)、driveにあたります。アーレントのthoughtは恋ですが、ラカンのdriveは「いっしょにいたいという気持ち」なので、完璧に合ってます。

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犯人は巨人ファンでA型で眼鏡をかけている -- あるハッカー
