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15509144 journal

caretの日記: paint.net, バージョン 4.3.4 で日本語ローカライズがようやくまともになった

日記 by caret
paint.net 4.3.4 is now available – paint.net blog

Changes since v4.3.3:

  • Fixed compatibility with the Spaced Text plugin, which was crashing
  • Fixed a bug with the Color Picker tool, which was sampling from a recently hidden layer when using Image sampling mode
  • Fixed the ability to click URLs in some older plugins (CustomBrushesMini, Shape Maker, Vandermotten Effects, and those based on OptionBasedLibrary)
  • Fixed the incorrect registration of the app in the HKCR\Applications registry key, which was affecting some methods for launching the app
  • Fixed many translations which had updates but that had inadvertently not been incorporated into the app itself
  • Fixed the PROGRAMSGROUP property in the MSI (it was being ignored), which affects custom deployments
  • Fixed the CHECKFORUPDATES property which was missing from the MSI. It still worked, but you had to add it yourself. This only affected MSI-based deployment.

大昔の Microsoft のローカライズ チームが手がけてたころはローカライズに問題なかったけど。

この議論は賞味期限が切れたので、アーカイブ化されています。 新たにコメントを付けることはできません。

