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flied onionの日記: [Samba] Windows 7 レジストリ設定

日記 by flied onion


Windows 7 Registry settings

There are currently two registry settings required to be added on the Windows 7 client prior to joining a Samba Domain.
These are:

Windows 7 レジストリ設定

いまのところWindows7をSambaドメインに参加させる前に二つのレジストリを追加することが必要とされる それらは:

            DWORD  DomainCompatibilityMode = 1
            DWORD  DNSNameResolutionRequired = 0

Samba also ships with a registry patchfile that users can apply directly. The patchfile can be found in recent Samba sourcecode: $SOURCE/docs-xml/registry/Win7_Samba3DomainMember.reg or in Samba Bugzilla here: https://bugzilla.samba.org/attachment.cgi?id=4988&action=view
Make sure to either reboot Windows 7 or restart the LanmanWorkstation service after setting these entries.

Sambaはユーザが直接適用できるレジストリパッチファイルもリリースしている。パッチファイルは最新のSambaのソースコードの $SOURCE/docs-xml/registry/Win7_Samba3DomainMember.reg か Samba Bugzilla https://bugzilla.samba.org/attachment.cgi?id=4988&action=view にある。
これらのエントリを設定後、必ず Windows7の再起動またはLanmanWorkstationサービスの再起動を行う必要がある。

You will receive one warning about DNS domain name configuration after the join has succeeded:

   "Changing the Primary Domain DNS name of this computer to "" failed.
    The name will remain "MYDOM".  The error was:

    The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted"

This warning can be ignored or silenced with setting other registry keys.




Do not edit any other registry parameters (NETLOGON) that have been seen in the wild. If you have already modified your Windows 7 registry, please make sure to reset the keys to their default values. If you have changed the NETLOGON Parameters, make sure and turn them back to '1' as shown below:

もしNETLOGON Parametersの設定を変更してしまっているなら、次に示すように 1に戻してください。

           DWORD  RequireSignOrSeal = 1
           DWORD  RequireStrongKey = 1

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