8) Distraction and open source : seesik asked
8) 「ディストラクション」とオープンソース : seesikによる
First off, did Marianne Dyson get any NASA funding to help get your T1 trunk to Siberia? ;-)
まず第一に、マリアン=ダイソンはあなたのT1トランクをシベリアに送るための財源をNASAから得られたんですか? ;-)
Secondly, in your most recent book titled Distraction, you base a large part of the economic demise of America on the scenario of the Chinese government making all U.S. commercial software freely available on the net. While I am not deluded about the role and importance of many commercial products, how do you think the recent rise in availability and quality of free software would affect this scenario? How much consideration, if any, did you lend to the free software movement when writing Distraction?
*Well, I could tell you about that Dyson thing, but then I'd have to kill you.
Sterling: えーと、ダイソンのあの一件について君に話してあげることはできるけど、そうすると僕は君を殺さなくちゃいけなくなるんだ。
*I have to confess the Chinese riff was kind of an ass-backward approach to economic collapse there. I wanted to write a book in which it was a given that America's economy had collapsed as badly as Russia's has. So I was looking for plausible excuses for that event to happen.
*So what happened to Russia? Communism collapsed, even though it had really brilliant rhetoric and a lot of pious justifications. Because, as a way of daily life it was hooey, and people just opted out. It didn't matter how many lectures you heard, at bottom there was always something fishy and unworkable about it.
*And you can say much the same about Microsoft and the Software Publishers Association, who really act and think a lot like righteous Marxist commissars trying to beat back "corruption." So if you're looking for a similar weakness in America, it's got to be the "New Economy." Frankly, I don't think the New Economy is any less sound by its nature than the Old Economy. After all, the Old Economy used to blow up and fall down all the time. Outside of the high-tech boom, America's Old Economy still looks about as sick as it did under Reagan.
*But it's easy for readers to imagine America getting really deeply invested into the "Information Economy," and then finding out that the whole shebang is built on sand. That may not be accurate, but it's plausible, and it works for readers. People felt the same kind of nervousness about abandoning the Gold Standard. "You mean I'm just supposed to *pretend* that this money is worth something? What are you, *crazy*?"
*I count myself as quite the fan of GNU/Linux antics. I don't program, and I don't have a GNOME box or anything, but I like the whole Free Software effort, just because it's a radically different industrial method. Society needs phenomena like GNU/Linux because it helps to prevent mental monoculture.
*Besides, I had Stallman in my house once, and he gave me this really wack Conlon Noncarrow CD. Noncarrow was this guy in Mexico who made insane experimental music by cutting holes in player piano spools. This generous act of Stallman's expanded my sense of possibility.
それに加えて、僕はかつてストールマンを我が家に招いたことがある。彼は僕に本当に奇妙なConlon NoncarrowのCDをくれた。Noncarrowはメキシコにいる男で、気違いじみた実験的な音楽を自動ピアノのスプールに穴を明けることで作っている。ストールマンのこの高潔な行いのおかげで、僕の可能性にたいする感覚は拡張されたんだ。