float (7805) の日記

2003 年 03 月 16 日
午前 06:23


1) motto, by yukifj
You know, "there's more than one way to do it" is the motto of Perl. What do you think that the motto of Ruby is?

As Larry says in his interview, Ruby inherited a lot from Perl, and most important part is its philosophy, I think. That is why TMTOWTDI, the motto representing Perl's philosophy, is also that of Ruby. Different from Perl, Ruby is an implementation of "another way" from the beginning, as you see.

My most emphasis on Ruby, however, is not variety. My focus on it is how to decrese stress while programming (which is mental activity) rather than that. I am tempersome and don't like irritation while programming. Anger makes productivity down, and lesser productivity makes you work harder. I, lazy man, can't stand it. So I design Ruby to make such feeling as little as you could. I also am morgue enough to regard my happiness is other's happiness, and open my software worldwide.

Above all, you can't enjoy programming with much stress. Ruby's true motto is "Enjoy programming".

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吾輩はリファレンスである。名前はまだ無い -- perlの中の人
