Anonymous Coward
on 2012年03月09日 18時26分
> Back in the 50s, 60s and 70s, programming languages were a BigDeal, with large investments, upfront planning, and big drama on standardization committees (Ada was the epitome of that model). Things have changed dramatically during the 80s. Since the 90s, a considerable percentage of new languages that ended up being very popular were designed by lone programmers, some of them kids with no research inclination, some as a side hobby, and without any grand goal other than either making some routine activities easier or for plain hacking fun. Examples:
学術系研究者なんてどっからでてきたのやら 英語力に問題のある本家のタレコミ人のせいか
> There is a lot of fun in designing new languages, but this fun is not an exclusive right of researchers with, or working towards, Ph.Ds. Given all the knowledge about programming languages these days, anyone can do it. And many do.
えー、PHPやJavaScript? (スコア:3, 興味深い)
>designer の生み出した PHP や JavaScript、Python、Ruby などの言語は使い勝手がよく人気がある一方で
>内部の整合性や正確さにこだわりすぎた Fortran や Cobol、Lisp、C、Smalltalk は廃れてしまっており
Fortran や Cobol、Lisp、Cあたりはスゴイ古い言語だもの。Smalltalkもそんなに新しくは無い。
>例外は Microsoft と Sun の開発した .NET と Java だけであるとのこと。
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"学術系研究者" と "言語設計者 (designer) " の区別がしっくりこないのもそうだが、".NETを言語と言っちゃってる"と言うのも、わたしも違和感をおぼえます。
# うまく説明できないので、誰かエライヒト…
Re:えー、PHPやJavaScript? (スコア:1)
>>Microsoft .NET
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「"学術系研究者" と "言語設計者 (designer) " の区別がしっくりこない」
Re:えー、PHPやJavaScript? (スコア:1)
Re:えー、PHPやJavaScript? (スコア:1)
> Back in the 50s, 60s and 70s, programming languages were a BigDeal, with large investments, upfront planning, and big drama on standardization committees (Ada was the epitome of that model). Things have changed dramatically during the 80s. Since the 90s, a considerable percentage of new languages that ended up being very popular were designed by lone programmers, some of them kids with no research inclination, some as a side hobby, and without any grand goal other than either making some routine activities easier or for plain hacking fun. Examples:
> There is a lot of fun in designing new languages, but this fun is not an exclusive right of researchers with, or working towards, Ph.Ds. Given all the knowledge about programming languages these days, anyone can do it. And many do.