The law now says that you can still offer a 5% discount BUT, if you ship the book to the customer, this 5% discount must be deducted from the shipping fees, which cannot amount to zero. Thus, if Amazon sells a €10 book, they probably charge a €0.51 shipping fee, which ends up being €0.01 after the 5% discount. They're still at a disadvantage since a physical store can sell the same book for €9.5. Which means that the law now clearly favors physical stores, much more than it did small bookstores vs supermarkets before.
フランス議会は間抜けじゃない? (スコア:5, 参考になる)
「amazonが送料無料じゃ街の小さな本屋さんが壊滅しちゃうので送料無料を禁止にしてみたら、amazonは送料を最低金額の1セントにするという。法律はほとんど役に立たない。フランス議会はアホ」というのが大半の人の理解だと思うんだけど……これじゃさすがにフランス議会は間抜け過ぎないか?と思って、もう少し詳しい説明がないか本家スラドから探したら、こんなこと書いている人がいた。 []
The law now says that you can still offer a 5% discount BUT, if you ship the book to the customer, this 5% discount must be deducted from the shipping fees, which cannot amount to zero. Thus, if Amazon sells a €10 book, they probably charge a €0.51 shipping fee, which ends up being €0.01 after the 5% discount. They're still at a disadvantage since a physical store can sell the same book for €9.5. Which means that the law now clearly favors physical stores, much more than it did small bookstores vs supermarkets before.
Re:フランス議会は間抜けじゃない? (スコア:0)
> かつて小さな書店とスーパーマーケットの間にあったような差より、明らかに店舗を構える本屋さんに有利に働くことになる。
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