Plus living in a dome, then putting on a spacesuit to go outside will get tiring – fast.
"When you leave your dome, you're gonna put on another dome, and I think that will get old pretty quick," he said. "Especially the smell in the spacesuit – all the Febreze you can pack, I think it will really help you up there."
「現実にひき戻す」 (スコア:0)
原文では「come back to earth」かな?
Re: (スコア:0)
Plus living in a dome, then putting on a spacesuit to go outside will get tiring – fast.
"When you leave your dome, you're gonna put on another dome, and I think that will get old pretty quick," he said. "Especially the smell in the spacesuit – all the Febreze you can pack, I think it will really help you up there."
Re:「現実にひき戻す」 (スコア:0)