Apple patched the vulnerability in macOS 10.12.4 that was released in 2016, but the researchers say the more general scope of such attacks remains relevant.
The main defence against the above attacks is the input-output memory management unit (IOMMU) that allows devices to access only the memory needed for the job to done.
Enabling the IOMMU to protect against DMA attacks comes at a high performance cost however. Most operating systems trade off security for performance gains, and disable the IOMMU by default.
何で今頃この話題が? (スコア:0)
と思って読んでみたら、Windows の問題なのね。
>Apple patched the vulnerability in macOS 10.12.4 that was released in 2016,
ええ… (スコア:1)
Apple patched the vulnerability in macOS 10.12.4 that was released in 2016, but the researchers say the more general scope of such attacks remains relevant.
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The main defence against the above attacks is the input-output memory management unit (IOMMU) that allows devices to access only the memory needed for the job to done.
Enabling the IOMMU to protect against DMA attacks comes at a high performance cost however. Most operating systems trade off security for performance gains, and disable the IOMMU by default.
一般にDMA(direct memory access)というのはCPU以外からメインメモリを直接読み書きする方法を指します。CPUにはフェッチ/デコード/実行/書き戻しといったマシンサイクルのステージがあるわけですから、原始的には稼働時間の3/4とか、4/5とかはメモリに触れません。極論すれば論理的には切断されていたって何も困らないのです。であればその間は~WRと~RDが両方上がっていることだけ確かめてメモリーバンクをペリフェラルに繋ぎ変えデータを勝手に流し込んでやれば、CPUのプログラムが戻ってきてメモリを見に行った時には魔法のようにデータが現れていることになるから転送が早く済
Re:ええ… (スコア:0)