But instead of treating the public like guinea pigs, Tesla must clearly demonstrate a driving automation system that is substantially safer than what is available today
the company should focus on making sure that proven crash avoidance technologies on Tesla vehicles, such as automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection, are as effective as possible.
"Consumer Reports: Tesla Must Prove Safety" (スコア:2, おもしろおかしい)
Consumer Reports: Tesla Must Prove Safety Before Claiming “Self-Driving” Ability [consumerreports.org]
But instead of treating the public like guinea pigs, Tesla must clearly demonstrate a driving automation system that is substantially safer than what is available today
the company should focus on making sure that proven crash avoidance technologies on Tesla vehicles, such as automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection, are as effective as possible.
Re: (スコア:0)
『Consumer Reports』って、花森安治(←知らない人は朝ドラの『とと姉ちゃん』を参照のこと)が『暮らしの手帖』の商品テストでお手本にしたぐらい辛口で有名だから、ダメ出しについてはテスラに限らずボロクソに書くのがウリだったりする。
Re:"Consumer Reports: Tesla Must Prove Safety" (スコア:0)