Currently we work great under Firefox 1.5 and 2.0, as well as Safari. IE7 is functional but has glitches that we are working to fix. The iPhone functions as well with a number of optimizations for small screens (although the bandwidth requirements are still fairly steep so you are probably better off on a WiFi connection for now)
IE6 is known to be broken. Other browsers might work, but we haven't really tested them.
細かいことですが (スコア:1)
>IE6 以前はサポート外
Re: (スコア:1) のトップから直接聞いた話です。
なるべく IE6(あるいはそれ以前でも)ある程度動くようには心がけ
たいのですが、やはり今後は(IE に関しては)IE7 以後での動作を
Re: (スコア:1)
# rm -rf ./.
IE6は非対応、IE7は対応 (スコア:2, 参考になる)
Currently we work great under Firefox 1.5 and 2.0, as well as Safari. IE7 is functional but has glitches that we are working to fix. The iPhone functions as well with a number of optimizations for small screens (although the bandwidth requirements are still fairly steep so you are probably better off on a WiFi connection for now)
IE6 is known to be broken. Other browsers might work, but we haven't really tested them.
実際にiPhoneで動いているところを見せてもらいましたが、なかなかいい感じでした。iPod Touchでは試していませんが、もし持っているユーザーがいましたら、どんな感じか報告してもらえるとうれしいです。
Re: (スコア:0)