[] 2.2. A Sandbox in a Sandbox Native Client is built around an x86-specific intra-process “inner-sandbox.” We believe that the inner-sandbox is robust; regardless, to provide defense in depth [12], [15] we are also developing a second “outer-sandbox” that implements isolation at the process boundary. The inner-sandbox uses static analysis to detect security defects in untrusted x86 code. Previously, such analysis has been challenging for arb
偉大なるx86セグメントの大勝利 (スコア:1, おもしろおかしい)
2.2. A Sandbox in a Sandbox
Native Client is built around an x86-specific intra-process
“inner-sandbox.” We believe that the inner-sandbox is robust;
regardless, to provide defense in depth [12], [15]
we are also developing a second “outer-sandbox” that
implements isolation at the process boundary.
The inner-sandbox uses static analysis to detect security
defects in untrusted x86 code. Previously, such analysis
has been challenging for arb
Re:偉大なるx86セグメントの大勝利 (スコア:1, 興味深い)