http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5g5grZnNtJwu1WtH4-b3... [google.com]
"We wouldn't want to say 'go and eat comfort food' because that's not very healthy, but if we can find out whatever it was that started that process in train and find some other way of doing that, that would be really useful."
"that sta
>"that started that process in train" ってどう訳したらいいのかな?
あと、僕は馬鹿なことをするのは嫌いですよ (わざとやるとき以外は)。-- Larry Wall
効果をもたらしたきっかけ (スコア:1)
http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5g5grZnNtJwu1WtH4-b3... [google.com]
"We wouldn't want to say 'go and eat comfort food' because that's not very healthy, but if we can find out whatever it was that started that process in train and find some other way of doing that, that would be really useful."
"that sta
Re:効果をもたらしたきっかけ (スコア:2, おもしろおかしい)
>"that started that process in train" ってどう訳したらいいのかな?