Anonymous Coward
on 2010年02月17日 20時52分
Sent: 15 February 2010 13:11(GMT)
To: info
Subject: advice from Japan
Dear Sirs,
Today, I am surprised at unsuitable translation
in your article "Is this the world's most romantic word?"
If you employ English-Japanese translator in charge of the article,
I would like to sincerely advise you to fire the translator.
In romantic situation, none of Japanese say "watakushi-wa anata-wo ai shimasu".
Japanese lovers select much more suitable words from a lot of sophisticated
and euphemistic expressions.
All the people around me are laughing at the translator
and genuinely worry about his(her) customers.
From: Today User
Sent: Tue, Feb 16 2010 02:41:35 JST
Subject: RE: advice from Japan
Dear Mr. XXXXX,
Thank you for your email. We wish to apologise for any offence caused,
since this was certainly not intended.
The study was meant to be a light-hearted exercise, which even included
the invented language of Klingon (!), that we hoped would make people smile.
We have a network of highly skilled Japanese linguists with whom we
collaborate for our translations. If there was an error in this case,
then it is something we very much regret.
In response to your email, we will ensure that the offending phrase is not used
in any future communication and hope that you will accept our sincere apologies
for any upset caused.
元記事からは消されてるような… (スコア:2) []
Re: (スコア:3, 興味深い)
ロイターの元記事は「Is this the world's most romantic word? []」っぽいです。
こちらには「watakushi-wa anata-wo ai shimasu」と出ているわけですが……どこから突っ込んでいいやら。
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri
Re:元記事からは消されてるような… (スコア:2)
The survey was conducted by London-based Today Translations which polled over 320 of its linguists.
とあるので、Today Translationsの記事をあたってみたんです。そしたらなかったと。
Re: (スコア:0)
Re:元記事からは消されてるような… (スコア:2, 参考になる)