As I was leaving Concord-Carlise High School (west of Boston, MA), I went to check out our new "computer lab". It was a wealthy town, well, the other side was :)
Anonymous Coward
on 2011年02月10日 22時33分
A nearby computer expert had come over as a favor to the computer sciences teacher, and to the kids. 近くのコンピュータ専門家が来訪中だった。コンピュータ科学の教師や子どもたちに対する好意ってことらしい。
[... realizing] I was shocked that this giant with a standing invitation to the Whitehouse, was the guy volunteering to do the grunt work. ホワイトハウスに顔パスで通れるようなこの大物が、退屈な仕事を進んでするやつだということに私が衝撃を受けた [a standing invitation は「いつでも有効な招待状」みたいな意味。]
TechCrunch のコメント (スコア:2, 興味深い)
日本語版 TechCrunch には「難しい英文ではないので読んでみて !」とか書かれてあったんだけど、だいたいの意味は把握できるんだけど、細かいところがよくわからんのですよね……。
# 具体的には a bunch of test Apple's とか、help youths be their most とか local high school was plugged in とか
Hiroki (REO) Kashiwazaki
超適当な訳 (スコア:3, 参考になる)
As I was leaving Concord-Carlise High School (west of Boston, MA), I
went to check out our new "computer lab". It was a wealthy town, well,
the other side was :)
豊かな町なんだけどね,町外れは… (←ちょっと自信なし)
There were a bunch of test Apple's (this was 1982).
A nearby computer expert had come over as a favor to the computer
sciences teacher, and to the kids.
訳で気になったとこ (スコア:0)
A nearby computer expert had come over as a favor to the computer sciences teacher, and to the kids.
[... realizing] I was shocked that this giant with a standing invitation to the Whitehouse, was the guy volunteering to do the grunt work.
[a standing invitation は「いつでも有効な招待状」みたいな意味。]