There was a statement in John Walicki’s comment that was missed by most:
Education programs, documentation updates, communications all are planned.
While these changes were between Firefox 3.6 and Firefox 4 which contained major visual updates, there is no promise that these “minor updates” won’t include these kind of changes as well. And these changes require all of the internal documentation to be updated as well. (略) There’s also the issue of training. As I said in my last post, many companies that use these browsers are NOT technology companies. So the assumption that users will figure out how to use the browser when it changes are simply wrong. When people see things they haven’t seen before, or things don’t work like they did before, they call support.
問題はブラウザのテストだけではない (スコア:1)
Mikes Musings : Why Do Companies Need Time to Deploy Browsers? []
# マイク・カプリー氏は Mozilla for OS/2(Warpzilla)プロジェクトの責任者 []だった方ね。