13. The device brochures indicates 7.2mbps download speed, how come I will only experience up to 2mbps?
Theoretically, 3G compatible devices can download up to 7.2mbps but due to several factors affecting speed, on the average you will experience speeds from 300kbps up to 2mbps within the Digicel Broadband network coverage area.
11. What happens if I move in and out of Digicel Broadband coverage area? We still have a fully functioning EDGE network running parallel to our 3G network. Your device will automatically connect to the available GPRS/EDGE network until the Broadband network is available. The switch between networks is seamless.
digicel-broadband-faqより (スコア:4, 参考になる)
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この情報をもとにググってみたところ Bemobile は情報がなかったんだけど、Telikomでは3G CDMA 1X EVDOのUSB wireless modemを提供している模様(X'cess Wireless Internet)。またTelikomやBemobileより通信費が安いDigicelは、タレコミ人のように「A Digicel prepaid or postpaid SIM.+Any 3G and 900Mhz compatible device」(www.digicelpng.com/en/services/digicel-broadband-faq より)を用意すればいいみたい。しかしDigicel Broadband のサービスエリアは主要4都市の一部地域に限られる上、速度は
もしかしたら dual にすると遅くなる現象は、つながりやすい2G wireless になるのが原因なのかなと想像してみたり。
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