Finished, manufactured, or naturally weathered products including carvings, driftwood, furniture, picture frames, and musical instruments, and plywood are allowed into the U.S., but you need to declare them so the items can be inspected by CBP. Wood that has bark attached is prohibited from China and is subject to a higher level of inspection from all countries (Miscellaneous and Processed Products Manual, Table 3-161, Pages 152-154)
Objects that have feathers are allowed if the objects are fully finished and the feathers are clean, dry, and free of skin. (APHIS Animal Product Manual, Table 3-7-13, Page 272)
Bones that are fully finished and ready to use such as buttons, knife handles, and souvenirs are allowed as are tanned hides of domestic species (APHIS Animal Product Manual, Table 3-4-6, Page 218 and Table 3-7-3, Page 262)
>you need to declare them so the items can be inspected by CBP で引っかかったのかもね。
虚無僧が行くと (スコア:0)
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米国国土安全保障省 税関・国境取締局の見解: []
Finished, manufactured, or naturally weathered products including carvings, driftwood, furniture, picture frames, and musical instruments, and plywood are allowed into the U.S., but you need to declare them so the items can be inspected by CBP. Wood that has bark attached is prohibited from China and is subject to a higher level of inspection from all countries (Miscellaneous and Processed Products Manual, Table 3-161, Pages 152-154)
Objects that have feathers are allowed if the objects are fully finished and the feathers are clean, dry, and free of skin. (APHIS Animal Product Manual, Table 3-7-13, Page 272)
Bones that are fully finished and ready to use such as buttons, knife handles, and souvenirs are allowed as are tanned hides of domestic species (APHIS Animal Product Manual, Table 3-4-6, Page 218 and Table 3-7-3, Page 262)
>you need to declare them so the items can be inspected by CBP
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Re:虚無僧が行くと (スコア:1)
complex fraction:COLUMN(『蜂』シリーズ14 ~スズメバチを殺すミツバチ) []などで紹介されているとおり、ニホンミツバチの集団がスズメバチを取り囲んで高温でやっつける方法のことですね。
昔 NHK 日曜夕方7時半から30分の動物番組で見て知っていたけど、ニホンミツバチ固有でセイヨウミツバチにはこれができないというのは知らなかった。