The phone is too big. You will look stupid talking on it, people will laugh at you, and you’ll be unhappy if you buy it. I really can’t get around this, unfortunately, because Samsung pushed things way too far this time...You can’t use it one-handed, and I can’t even type on it easily with two hands.
For as much as people may love to have a phone that feels comfortable to hold, it turns out that they love big, beautiful displays even more and it’s taken Apple more than two years to accept this reality.
using the iPhone 6 Plus as a phone — like, actually holding it up to your ear — looks borderline ridiculous...The problem with the iPhone 6 Plus is that...there are still too many compromises for me. I don’t want a device this big, one that barely fits in my pocket, one which is much heavier than a regular iPhone 6.
同じく。 左右の手の指をめいっぱい広げるとどっちでもピアノ鍵盤のドから1オクターブ上のミまで10度届く(訳22.5cm)わたしの体格だと、docomo NEXT series ARROWS X F-02E []の5.0インチフルHDディスプレイ [サイズ(H×W×D) 約140×69×10.3mm] は掴んで持ち運ぶには大きい。でも文字入力操作には小さい。
検証 (スコア:3)
本当にiPhone 6の発売後に手のひらを返したのか、最初に引用されているBGRを例に検証してみた。
2012: Samsung Galaxy Note []
The phone is too big. You will look stupid talking on it, people will laugh at you, and you’ll be unhappy if you buy it. I really can’t get around this, unfortunately, because Samsung pushed things way too far this time...You can’t use it one-handed, and I can’t even type on it easily with two hands.
2013: Samsung Galaxy Note 3 []
There is now no question that supersized smartphones are popular.
2013: iPhone 5s []
Much to my surprise, the main reason for this is the size of the phone. I want a bigger display.
2014: iPhone 6 []
For as much as people may love to have a phone that feels comfortable to hold, it turns out that they love big, beautiful displays even more and it’s taken Apple more than two years to accept this reality.
2014: iPhone 6 Plus []
using the iPhone 6 Plus as a phone — like, actually holding it up to your ear — looks borderline ridiculous...The problem with the iPhone 6 Plus is that...there are still too many compromises for me. I don’t want a device this big, one that barely fits in my pocket, one which is much heavier than a regular iPhone 6.
より大きなディスプレイをiPhone 6発売以前から希望していたが、5インチ
しきい値 1: ふつう匿名は読まない
匿名補正 -1
Re: (スコア:0)
Re:検証 (スコア:1)
左右の手の指をめいっぱい広げるとどっちでもピアノ鍵盤のドから1オクターブ上のミまで10度届く(訳22.5cm)わたしの体格だと、docomo NEXT series ARROWS X F-02E []の5.0インチフルHDディスプレイ [サイズ(H×W×D) 約140×69×10.3mm] は掴んで持ち運ぶには大きい。でも文字入力操作には小さい。