But at Brookhaven, scientists have found a winner. Made of platinum and rhodium atoms on carbon-supported tin dioxide nanoparticles, the research team’s electrocatalyst is capable of breaking carbon bonds at room temperature and efficiently oxidizing ethanol into carbon dioxide as the main reaction product. Other catalysts, by comparison, produce acetalhyde and acetic acid
as the main products, which make them unsuitable fo
エタノールの炭素結合を切る触媒の発見はこれが初めてではないみたいだけど (スコア:1)
"New Catalyst Paves the Path for Ethanol-Powered Fuel Cells January 25, 2009" [bnl.gov]
Re:エタノールの炭素結合を切る触媒の発見はこれが初めてではないみたいだけど (スコア:1)