"2. Licensed Driver Required in Vehicle: A licensed operator will be required to be present inside the vehicle and be capable of taking control in the event of a technology failure or other emergency. Driverless vehicles are initially excluded from deployment. The department will address the unique safety, performance, and equipment requirements asso
カリフォルニア州では (スコア:1)
http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl/news/15/121804127/ [nikkeibp.co.jp]
"2. Licensed Driver Required in Vehicle:
A licensed operator will be required to be present inside the vehicle and be capable of taking control in the event of a technology failure or other emergency. Driverless vehicles are initially excluded from deployment. The department will address the unique safety, performance, and equipment requirements asso
Re:カリフォルニア州では (スコア:1)
Re:カリフォルニア州では (スコア:2)