There are two parts to the technology that enables desktop apps to be converted to UWP packages. The first is the Desktop App Converter, which takes your existing binaries and repackages them as a UWP package. Your code is still the same, it's just packaged differently. The second piece comprises runtime technologies in the Windows Anniversary update that enable a UWP package to have executables that run as full trust instead of in an app container.
Visual Studioをこれで配信すれば? (スコア:0)
Visual Studioって完全アンインストールが難しいことで有名だけど、UWPとして配信すれば全く問題ないじゃん。
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Re:Visual Studioをこれで配信すれば? (スコア:3)
There are two parts to the technology that enables desktop apps to be converted to UWP packages. The first is the Desktop App Converter, which takes your existing binaries and repackages them as a UWP package. Your code is still the same, it's just packaged differently. The second piece comprises runtime technologies in the Windows Anniversary update that enable a UWP package to have executables that run as full trust instead of in an app container.
これによると、変換ツールは2つのテクノロジーに分かれていて、1つは既存のバイナリをUWPパッケージにパッケージングするツールで、もう一つはUWPをapp containerではなくfull trustで実行するランタイムだそうです。
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