LWE problemの定義は以下の通りです https://www.latticechallenge.org/lwe_challenge/challenge.php [latticechallenge.org] > The LWE problem is to recover s, given an instance (A, b), where A is an m×n matrix over ℤq and b = As + e is a vector of length m over ℤq. Both the matrix A and the target vector s are sampled uniformly random, while the error vector e is sampled from the Gaussian distribution with parameter σ.
x=0, e=b ではダメなの? (スコア:0)
x=0, e=b っていう解でも条件満たしてしまう。
e についての追加の制約がいろいろあるんでしょうね。
Re:x=0, e=b ではダメなの? (スコア:2)
Re:x=0, e=b ではダメなの? (スコア:2, 参考になる)
> いえいえ、暗号ですから、bが暗文、xが平文、eが鍵です。
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_with_errors [wikipedia.org]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_learning_with_errors_key_exchange [wikipedia.org]
LWE problemの定義は以下の通りです
https://www.latticechallenge.org/lwe_challenge/challenge.php [latticechallenge.org]
> The LWE problem is to recover s, given an instance (A, b), where A is an m×n matrix over ℤq and b = As + e is a vector of length m over ℤq. Both the matrix A and the target vector s are sampled uniformly random, while the error vector e is sampled from the Gaussian distribution with parameter σ.