Indeed, this heterospecific sexual behaviour is more likely to be observed in species with higher risk of sexual competition (i.e. multi-male, multi-female breeding), as for other sexual behaviour such as masturbation (Thomsen and Soltis 2004) or homosexual behaviour (Gunst et al. 2015) in the Japanese macaque.
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Indeed, this heterospecific sexual behaviour is more likely to be observed in species with higher risk of sexual competition (i.e. multi-male, multi-female breeding), as for other sexual behaviour such as masturbation (Thomsen and Soltis 2004) or homosexual behaviour (Gunst et al. 2015) in the Japanese macaque.
Thomsen R, Soltis J (2004) Male masturbation in free-ranging Japanese macaques. Int J Primatol 25:1033–1041 []
Gunst N, Leca J, Vasey PL (2015) Influence of sexual competition and social context on homosexual behavior in adolescent female []