Anonymous Coward
on 2019年07月16日 10時54分
> Even though this very clumsy sequence was used often during the Multics days, and would have been utterly straightforward to integrate into the Multics shell, the idea did not occur to us or anyone else at the time. I speculate that the reason it did not was the sheer size of the Multics project: the implementors of the IO system were at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, while the shell was done at MIT. We didn't consider making changes to the shell (it was their program); correspondingly, the keepers of the shell may not even have known of the usefulness, albeit clumsiness, of iocall. (The 1969 Multics manual [4] lists iocall as an `author-maintained,' that is non-standard, command.) Because both the Unix IO system and its shell were under the exclusive control of Thompson, when the right idea finally surfaced, it was a matter of an hour or so to implement it.
“even though...[it] would have been utterly straightforward to integrate into the Multics shell, the idea did not occur to us or anyone else at the time. I speculate that the reason it did not was the sheer size of the Multics project”は 「[それ]をMulticsのシェルに組み込むことは簡単だったろうが、当時そんなことは我々も、他の誰も考えつかなかった。その理由を考察するなら、Multicsプロジェクトが巨大だったからだろう」としか翻訳出来ませんが、どこが「関係ありません」なんでしょうか。
Multics の功績 (スコア:0)
UNIX は Multics の反面教師として生まれた。
BSD は ベル研究所の UNIX から派生した。
macOS や iOS にはBSD由来のコードが含まれる。
Windows のTCP/IPスタックであるところの初期の Winsock は BSD のコードを移植して使われた。
PS4 の OS は FreeBSD をベースに作られている。
Re: (スコア:0)
> UNIX は Multics の反面教師として生まれた。
Re: (スコア:0)
> 具体的にどこをどう反面教師としたのか、答えられるやつを見たことがない
たとえば [] の IO Redirection の項目には、
Re:Multics の功績 (スコア:0)
> Even though this very clumsy sequence was used often during the Multics days, and would have been utterly straightforward to integrate into the Multics shell, the idea did not occur to us or anyone else at the time. I speculate that the reason it did not was the sheer size of the Multics project: the implementors of the IO system were at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, while the shell was done at MIT. We didn't consider making changes to the shell (it was their program); correspondingly, the keepers of the shell may not even have known of the usefulness, albeit clumsiness, of iocall. (The 1969 Multics manual [4] lists iocall as an `author-maintained,' that is non-standard, command.) Because both the Unix IO system and its shell were under the exclusive control of Thompson, when the right idea finally surfaced, it was a matter of an hour or so to implement it.
ここはどう見てもIO Redirectionに限った話です
Re: (スコア:0)
> the sheer size of the Multics project: the implementors of the IO system were at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, while the shell was done at MIT
> プロジェクトが大きすぎるせいで、よいアイディアが埋もれてしまう話が載ってます。
> 具体的にどこをどう反面教師としたのか、答えられるやつを見たことがない
Re: (スコア:0)
“even though...[it] would have been utterly straightforward to integrate into the Multics shell, the idea did not occur to us or anyone else at the time. I speculate that the reason it did not was the sheer size of the Multics project”は
Re: (スコア:0)
Re: (スコア:0)
Re: (スコア:0)
> UNIX は Multics を反面教師として生まれた。