Vance Brand went on to fly on the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) and command three Shuttle missions. (The ASTP is often referred to as "Apollo 18" although the original Apollo 18 was the planned Moon mission.) Charles Conrad and Paul Weitz were assigned to the first crew to Skylab, Weitz later commanded a shuttle mission. Jack Lousma was on the second Skylab crew and later commanded a shuttle mission, and William Pogue and Gerald Carr were assigned to the third Skylab crew. Joe Engle was Commander of two Shuttle missions.
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アポロ・ソユーズテスト計画 []のアメリカ側宇宙船は正式にはナンバーなしの「アポロ」です。
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NASAが []
Vance Brand went on to fly on the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) and command three Shuttle missions. (The ASTP is often referred to as "Apollo 18" although the original Apollo 18 was the planned Moon mission.) Charles Conrad and Paul Weitz were assigned to the first crew to Skylab, Weitz later commanded a shuttle mission. Jack Lousma was on the second Skylab crew and later commanded a shuttle mission, and William Pogue and Gerald Carr were assigned to the third Skylab crew. Joe Engle was Commander of two Shuttle missions.