However, the heads of the Chinese were already turning to another spectacle. A crowded had gathered below the steps of the Shanghai Club. A group of American and British sailors had emerged through the revolving doors and stood on the top step, arguing with each other and waving drunkenly at the cruiser moored by the Bund. The Chinese watched as they formed a chorus line. Provoked by their curious but silent audience, the sailors began to jeer at the Chinese. At a signal from an older sailor, the men unbuttoned their bell-bottomed trousers and urinated down the steps. Fifty feet below them, the Chinese watched without comment as the arcs of urine formed a foaming stream that ran down to the street. When it reached the pavement the Chinese stepped back, their faces expressionless. Jim glanced the people around him, the clerks and coolies and peasant women, well aware of what they were thinking. One day China would punish the rest of the world, and take a frightening revenge.
Q. さて、放尿した水兵は何人でしょう? A. 2,3人。なぜなら、水兵は50フィート上(の屋上)におり、そこの階段の一段に乗って放尿したから。
想像力を羽ばたかせると、階段がめっちゃ広いという可能性もありますが、コーラスラインはこれの単純な訳出じゃないかと思ったり。 > 訳は新旧どちらも、水兵がコーラスラインのように並んで放尿したことになってるんだよね。 > The Chinese watched as they formed a chorus line.
One day China would punish the rest of the world, and take a frightening revenge.
これですね。 one dayは未来だけでなく過去の一地点も意味するから、Chinaは当時の中華民国や執筆時の中共とも限らず、かつての大帝国でもありうるし、バラードの読者ならピンとくるかもしれないけど、Iとのダジャレにもなっています。 wouldは仮定法、意志、能力、願望、いろいろありますし、punishは罰以外に、たんにひどく傷つけるという意味もあります。 take a revengeは自分が復讐するだけでなく、自分が復讐を受けることでもあります。 この組み合わせでこの一文の意味は何通りにも解釈できますが、常識的に一番ありえないのが、放尿の報復に核攻撃することで、作者は読者をそこに誘導するために八方手を尽くしています。
読めないものは読めない (スコア:1)
However, the heads of the Chinese were already turning to another spectacle. A crowded had gathered below the steps of the Shanghai Club. A group of American and British sailors had emerged through the revolving doors and stood on the top step, arguing with each other and waving drunkenly at the cruiser moored by the Bund. The Chinese watched as they formed a chorus line. Provoked by their curious but silent audience, the sailors began to jeer at the Chinese. At a signal from an older sailor, the men unbuttoned their bell-bottomed trousers and urinated down the steps.
Fifty feet below them, the Chinese watched without comment as the arcs of urine formed a foaming stream that ran down to the street. When it reached the pavement the Chinese stepped back, their faces expressionless. Jim glanced the people around him, the clerks and coolies and peasant women, well aware of what they were thinking. One day China would punish the rest of the world, and take a frightening revenge.
Q. さて、放尿した水兵は何人でしょう?
A. 2,3人。なぜなら、水兵は50フィート上(の屋上)におり、そこの階段の一段に乗って放尿したから。
Re: (スコア:0)
> 訳は新旧どちらも、水兵がコーラスラインのように並んで放尿したことになってるんだよね。
> The Chinese watched as they formed a chorus line.
Re:読めないものは読めない (スコア:1)
Re:読めないものは読めない (スコア:1)
One day China would punish the rest of the world, and take a frightening revenge.
one dayは未来だけでなく過去の一地点も意味するから、Chinaは当時の中華民国や執筆時の中共とも限らず、かつての大帝国でもありうるし、バラードの読者ならピンとくるかもしれないけど、Iとのダジャレにもなっています。
take a revengeは自分が復讐するだけでなく、自分が復讐を受けることでもあります。