>以前のWHOのいうことを真として すみません、訂正しますね。WHOがパンデミック当初に「一般人はマスク着用する必要はない!」と公言したのが印象にあったものですから。 WHOは今も依然として医療用マスクは患者と看護者着用を推奨していて、コミュニティに広くマスク(医療用・他を問わず)着用の効果はエビデンスが不足で、今後も継続して研究しガイダンスをアップデートしていくとありますね。 What is WHO’s view on masks? [who.int]
Does WHO recommend the use of non-medical masks in the community? Currently there is not enough evidence for or against the use of masks (medical or other) for healthy individuals in the wider community. WHO continues to recommend that medical masks be worn by individuals who are sick or those caring for them. WHO is actively studying the rapidly evolving science on masks and continuously updates its guidance.
In the interim, to support countries in their decision-making process WHO has provided advice through a risk-based approach for the use of masks in the context of COVID-19.
Setting in which the population lives: settings with high population density (e.g. refugee camps, those living in cramped conditions) and settings where individuals are unable to keep a safe distance (e.g. crowded buses or other transport).
In addition to these factors, potential advantages of the use of masks by healthy people in the community setting include reducing potential exposure risk from an infected person during the ‘pre-symptomatic’ period or if an infected person is asymptomatic.
There are potential risks and disadvantages that should be taken into account in any decision-making process on the use of masks:
Non-medical or cloth masks could increase potential for COVID-19 to infect a person if the mask is contaminated by dirty hands and touched often, or kept on other parts of the face or head and then placed back over the mouth and nose Depending on the type of mask used, could cause difficulty in breathing They can lead to facial skin breakdown They can lead to difficulty with communicating clearly They can be uncomfortable to wear It is possible that mask use, with unclear benefits, could create a false sense of security in the wearer, leading to diminished practice of recognized beneficial preventive measures such as physical distancing and hand hygiene.
この期に及んで (スコア:1)
Re:この期に及んで (スコア:1)
マスクは人のためならず (スコア:1)
What is WHO’s view on masks? [who.int]
Does WHO recommend the use of non-medical masks in the community?
Currently there is not enough evidence for or against the use of masks (medical or other) for healthy individuals in the wider community. WHO continues to recommend that medical masks be worn by individuals who are sick or those caring for them.
WHO is actively studying the rapidly evolving science on masks and continuously updates its guidance.
In the interim, to support countries in their decision-making process WHO has provided advice through a risk-based approach for the use of masks in the context of COVID-19.
Re:マスクは人のためならず (スコア:1)
新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)WHO公式情報特設ページ [who.int]にあるPDF
COVID-19アウトブレイク中の移動 [who.int]
Re:マスクは人のためならず (スコア:1)
Setting in which the population lives: settings with high population density (e.g. refugee camps, those living in cramped conditions) and settings where individuals are unable to keep a safe distance (e.g. crowded buses or other transport).
In addition to these factors, potential advantages of the use of masks by healthy people in the community setting include reducing potential exposure risk from an infected person during the ‘pre-symptomatic’ period or if an infected person is asymptomatic.
There are potential risks and disadvantages that should be taken into account in any decision-making process on the use of masks:
Non-medical or cloth masks could increase potential for COVID-19 to infect a person if the mask is contaminated by dirty hands and touched often, or kept on other parts of the face or head and then placed back over the mouth and nose
Depending on the type of mask used, could cause difficulty in breathing
They can lead to facial skin breakdown
They can lead to difficulty with communicating clearly
They can be uncomfortable to wear
It is possible that mask use, with unclear benefits, could create a false sense of security in the wearer, leading to diminished practice of recognized beneficial preventive measures such as physical distancing and hand hygiene.