When that Ethernet network degrades or fails, things can become unpredictable. So it apparently was when that exact thing happened aboard an unidentified PC-24 flight, according to EASA: "This triggered opening of electronic circuit breakers, which resulted in the degradation of environmental control system functionalities, the deployment of all passenger oxygen masks and the autopilot entering in emergency descent mode."
機内配線がEthernetなのは航空では普通なのだろうか (スコア:5, 参考になる)
When that Ethernet network degrades or fails, things can become unpredictable. So it apparently was when that exact thing happened aboard an unidentified PC-24 flight, according to EASA: "This triggered opening of electronic circuit breakers, which resulted in the degradation of environmental control system functionalities, the deployment of all passenger oxygen masks and the autopilot entering in emergency descent mode."
二重冗長のEthernetスイッチ両系統が停止したことで、ブレーカーが異常を検知して遮断、環境制御システムが停止、機内の与圧が維持されているか不明になり、機内酸素マスクが展開して緊急降下(Emergency descent, 人が呼吸できる高度10000ft/約3000mまで急降下する)が掛かった、という感じですね。加えてEthernetが死んでいるため様々な警告が表示され、フラップ、燃料計、アンチアイス機能等々も状態不明となるなど"大幅に機能が低下"し、記事では"パイロットの
Re:機内配線がEthernetなのは航空では普通なのだろうか (スコア:1)
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