We interviewed NetBSD programmers Christos Zoulas, Luke Mewburn, Ben Collver, Nathan J. Williams, Jaromir Dolecek, Chuck Silvers, Hubert Feyrer, Bret Lymn, Jan Schaumann, Roland Dowdeswell, and Niels Provos. Here's what they had to say about some of the new features in NetBSD:
我々(訳注:NewsForge記者)は、NetBSDのプログラマのChristos Zoulas, Luke Mewburn, Ben Collver, Nathan J. Williams, Jaromir Dolecek, Chuck Silvers, Hubert Feyrer, Bret Lymn, Jan Schaumann, Roland Dowdeswell, およびNiels Provosにインタビ
Niels Provos: There is currently no application systraced by default. systrace can be used by the paranoid system administrator to further tighten their security. For example, monkey.org is a small ISP that runs systrace to provide restricted shell access to all their users. It seems to be working fine for them and systrace has already prevented compromises for them.
翻訳のツリー (スコア:4, 参考になる)
我々(訳注:NewsForge記者)は、NetBSDのプログラマのChristos Zoulas, Luke Mewburn, Ben Collver, Nathan J. Williams, Jaromir Dolecek, Chuck Silvers, Hubert Feyrer, Bret Lymn, Jan Schaumann, Roland Dowdeswell, およびNiels Provosにインタビ
Q15 and A15 (スコア:1)
Niels Provos: There is currently no application systraced by default. systrace can be used by the paranoid system administrator to further tighten their security. For example, monkey.org is a small ISP that runs systrace to provide restricted shell access to all their users. It seems to be working fine for them and systrace has already prevented compromises for them.
Niels Provos: 現在の所デフォルトでsystraceされるアプリケーションはない。systraceは、セキュリティ狂の管理者がさらにセキュリティを強化するのに使える。例えば、monkey.orgが小さなISPだが、systraceを走らせてシェルのユーザに限定的なシェルアクセスを提供している。うまく動いているようで、systraceは妥協を許さない。