デーモンとして動かすからプロセスでの表記はhttpdと表現するけど、ソフト名は「Apache HTTP Server ("Apache")」でApacheと略す方が正しいのでは? 正確云々に拘るのならば「Apache HTTP Server」の方がしっくり来る様な気がするけど。
>Apache 2.0.59 Released >The Apache HTTP Server Project is proud to announce the legacy release of version 2.0.59 of the Apache HTTP Server ("Apache"). > >This version of Apache is principally a security release. In particular, it includes an 'important' security patch to mod_rewrite. > >For further details, see the announcement. http://httpd.apache.org/
apache httpdだろ? (スコア:0, 参考になる)
Re:apache httpdだろ? (スコア:2, 参考になる)
正確云々に拘るのならば「Apache HTTP Server」の方がしっくり来る様な気がするけど。
>Apache 2.0.59 Released
>The Apache HTTP Server Project is proud to announce the legacy release of version 2.0.59 of the Apache HTTP Server ("Apache").
>This version of Apache is principally a security release. In particular, it includes an 'important' security patch to mod_rewrite.
>For further details, see the announcement.
Re:apache httpdだろ? (余談: -1) (スコア:2)
『The Apache httpd server』を意味しますね。
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