Nonetheless, Out-of-order execution has become the dominant computing paradigm since the 1990s. It is a form of restricted dataflow. This paradigm introduced the idea of an execution window. The execution window follows the sequential order of the von Neumann architecture, however within the window, instructions are allowed to be completed in data dependency order. This is accomplished in CPUs that dynamically tag the data dependencies of the code in the execution window. The logical complexity of dynamical
Anonymous Coward
on 2012年11月01日 21時33分
(#2264080) [] [] > Nonetheless, Out-of-order execution has become the dominant computing paradigm since the 1990s. It is a form of restricted dataflow. This paradigm introduced the idea of an execution window. The execution window follows the sequential order of the von Neumann architecture, however within the window, instructions are allowed to be completed in data dependency order. [] [] > Dataflow architecture is a computer architecture that directly contrasts the traditional von Neumann architecture or control flow architecture. Dataflow architectures do not have a program counter, or (at least conceptually) the executability and execution of instructions is solely determined based on the availability of input arguments to the instructions.
RISCへの回帰? (スコア:0)
# これではVIAの立場がない。。。
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このへんに説明があります []
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リンクをたどれない人のためにかわりに張っておきます []
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Re:RISCへの回帰? (スコア:0) [] []
> Nonetheless, Out-of-order execution has become the dominant computing paradigm since the 1990s. It is a form of restricted dataflow. This paradigm introduced the idea of an execution window. The execution window follows the sequential order of the von Neumann architecture, however within the window, instructions are allowed to be completed in data dependency order. [] []
> Dataflow architecture is a computer architecture that directly contrasts the traditional von Neumann architecture or control flow architecture. Dataflow architectures do not have a program counter, or (at least conceptually) the executability and execution of instructions is solely determined based on the availability of input arguments to the instructions.
ところで、MIPS R10000でもAlpha 21264のようないかにもなRISCでも、それぞれの命令を内部命令に変換してから実行しているわけだが、