"2. Licensed Driver Required in Vehicle: A licensed operator will be required to be present inside the vehicle and be capable of taking control in the event of a technology failure or other emergency. Driverless vehicles are initially excluded from deployment. The department will address the unique safety, performance, and equipment requirements associated with fully autonomous vehicles in subsequent regulatory packages." http://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/pubs/newsrel/newsrel15/2015_63 [ca.gov]
カリフォルニア州では (スコア:1)
http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl/news/15/121804127/ [nikkeibp.co.jp]
"2. Licensed Driver Required in Vehicle:
A licensed operator will be required to be present inside the vehicle and be capable of taking control in the event of a technology failure or other emergency. Driverless vehicles are initially excluded from deployment. The department will address the unique safety, performance, and equipment requirements associated with fully autonomous vehicles in subsequent regulatory packages."
http://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/pubs/newsrel/newsrel15/2015_63 [ca.gov]
こっちでも operator という用語はあるが、「技術的トラブルに対し制御を奪えること」、「ドライバー無しの車は当面配備禁止」のような表現がある所をみると、この operator やdriverは人を想定していると思うな。
Re:カリフォルニア州では (スコア:1)
Re:カリフォルニア州では (スコア:2)