Newsweekでは「研究チームがマウスにエタノールを投与したところ」とあるけど、Natureでは「Here we describe the features and mutational landscape of DNA damage caused by acetaldehyde,」とあるから、試験管での結果だよね?紛らわしいな。
The study’s authors conducted their research on a group of mice, who were given ethanol and were subsequently examined to see what effect the acetaldehyde had on their cellular structures.
The research, using genetically modified mice, provides the most compelling evidence to date that alcohol causes cancer by scrambling the DNA in cells, eventually leading to deadly mutations.
マウスで実験? (スコア:0)
Newsweekでは「研究チームがマウスにエタノールを投与したところ」とあるけど、Natureでは「Here we describe the features and mutational landscape of DNA damage caused by acetaldehyde,」とあるから、試験管での結果だよね?紛らわしいな。
Re:マウスで実験? (スコア:0)
MRC分子生物学研究所の記事 [](イギリスの国立研究所)
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