"We wouldn't want to say 'go and eat comfort food' because that's not very healthy, but if we can find out whatever it was that started that process in train and find some other way of doing that, that would be really useful."
"that started that process in train" ってどう訳したらいいのかな?
効果をもたらしたきっかけ (スコア:1)
http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5g5grZnNtJwu1WtH4-b3... [google.com]
"We wouldn't want to say 'go and eat comfort food' because that's not very healthy, but if we can find out whatever it was that started that process in train and find some other way of doing that, that would be really useful."
"that started that process in train" ってどう訳したらいいのかな?
Re:効果をもたらしたきっかけ (スコア:3, 参考になる)
> "that started that process in train"
"whatever it was that started that process in train" をもう少し直訳っぽくすると、
# "in train" がなくても大意は変わらないはず?
# 自分の無知を露呈している危険がありそうな気もする。
文法的には "that started the process" のはじめの that は関係代名詞的なもの。
"that process" で "幸せになる方法(食事編)"
"whatever it was that started that process in train"
中の whatever は強調に使われていて、強調前は多分こんな感じ。
"what started that process in train"
# 個人的に文法は苦手
Re:効果をもたらしたきっかけ (スコア:1)
我ながら冷静に見ると、what started って変かもしれない…。
# 気が向いたら誰かフォローよろしく
Re: (スコア:0)
some other way of doingというのが直後にあるので、掛け言葉になっているのかも。(全く根拠なし)
Re:効果をもたらしたきっかけ (スコア:2, おもしろおかしい)
>"that started that process in train" ってどう訳したらいいのかな?
Re:効果をもたらしたきっかけ (スコア:1)