Anonymous Coward
on 2012年11月19日 23時37分
> PowerPC, as an evolving instruction set, has since 2006 been renamed Power ISA but lives on as a legacy trademark for some implementations of Power Architecture based processors.
> Apparently Nintendo's upcoming Wii U game console isn't powered by a Power 7 processor after all, as was previously believed to be the case. IBM took to Twitter to clarify that fact, while offering a somewhat vague clue as to what hardware the Wii U will be running.
> "Wii U chip clarification: It's a 'Power-based microprocessor,'" @IBMWatson stated in a Twitter post.
> Previous information seemed to suggest the Wii U would tap into IBM's Power 7 architecture, but IBM chalked that up to a miscommunication in a followup tweet.
> "Pardon the error. It's a custom chip built on Power Architecture base," the company said.
どうしてPOWERとPowerPCを混同するのか? (スコア:-1)
当の任天堂ですら「IBM Power®を基にしたマルチコアプロセッサー」とか吹聴してみたり
Re:どうしてPOWERとPowerPCを混同するのか? (スコア:1)
> PowerPC, as an evolving instruction set, has since 2006 been renamed Power ISA but lives on as a legacy trademark for some implementations of Power Architecture based processors.
> Apparently Nintendo's upcoming Wii U game console isn't powered by a Power 7 processor after all, as was previously believed to be the case. IBM took to Twitter to clarify that fact, while offering a somewhat vague clue as to what hardware the Wii U will be running.
> "Wii U chip clarification: It's a 'Power-based microprocessor,'" @IBMWatson stated in a Twitter post.
> Previous information seemed to suggest the Wii U would tap into IBM's Power 7 architecture, but IBM chalked that up to a miscommunication in a followup tweet.
> "Pardon the error. It's a custom chip built on Power Architecture base," the company said.