Linus Torvalds 「“Some loads will hardly be affected at all, if they just spend all their time in user space. And if you do a lot of small system calls, you might see double-digit slowdown.
“It will depend heavily on the hardware too,” he continued. “Older CPUs without PCID will be impacted more by the isolation. And I think some of the back-ports won’t take advantage of PCID even on newer hardware.” 」 なのでSandyちゃん駄目かも。
macOSのステータス (スコア:1)
SpectreやMeltdownの詳細は、読んでもさっぱりわからんのですが、Macでは10.13.3でKernel page table isolationの問題について修正が入ってるようです。
Haswell以降はそんな影響ないよな話しも出ていますが、家のSandyちゃんなMac miniを今アップグレードしていますが、どんなものでしょう。
Re:macOSのステータス (スコア:2)
まだあったのかPC WORLD []
Linus Torvalds 「“Some loads will hardly be affected at all, if they just spend all their time in user space. And if you do a lot of small system calls, you might see double-digit slowdown.
“It will depend heavily on the hardware too,” he continued. “Older CPUs without PCID will be impacted more by the isolation. And I think some of the back-ports won’t take advantage of PCID even on newer hardware.” 」