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402660 journal

haloの日記: インタビュー ウィズ ブルース=スターリング (6) 4

日記 by halo

6) Stephenson opinion? : dmorin asks
6) スティーヴンソンについて : dmorinによる
We're hearing lots about Neal Stephenson in the geek set these days. What's your opinion of the man, his writing style, and his choice of topics upon which to write?


*I think Neal Stephenson is a talent of the highest caliber. He's smart, he's ambitious, he's doggedly persistent, and he has got it going on in every single way that a science fiction writer should. The guy is the cat's fuckin' pyjamas.

Sterling: 僕はニール=スティーヴンソンを最高級の才能の持ち主だと考えている。彼はスマートで、野心的で、犬のように執念深い。そして、SF作家のすべきことをようく心得ている。あいつは猫がファックしてるパジャマだ。

the cat's fuckin' pyjamas:直訳。慣用句じゃないですよねえ。

402654 journal

haloの日記: インタビュー ウィズ ブルース=スターリング (7)

日記 by halo

7) Who have you influenced? : tilly asked
7) 影響を受けたのは誰? : tillyによる
It is customary to ask people who their influences were. But I would like to turn that around. and ask a harder question...

Which new authors do you feel that you have most strongly influenced? What specifically makes you select them?


*I don't have any disciples. I see people pick gizmos and concepts and notions out of my works, every once in a while. That's a pretty standard thing in the SF field; we're always swapping notions, and I've thrown out my share. I think I probably had the most influence on people who were my contemporaries. If you take people seriously, and ask them to do their best, and suggest that new things and approaches are genuinely possible, it improves their morale. They do things they wouldn't have thought worth doing otherwise. And the world is a better place for it.

Sterling: 僕は一人も弟子を持っていない。僕の作品からギズモや概念や意見を取り出す人たちは見るよ。時々ね。SF界のなかではそれはすごく普通のことなんだ。僕たちは常に意見を交換している、僕も自分の役割を果たしてきた。僕が一番影響を与えたのは、たぶん僕と同世代の人たちじゃないかと思う。もし君が、人々を真剣に扱って、彼らにベストを尽くすことを頼み、新しいことを提案し、そのアプローチが可能な限り誠実であれば、それは人々を元気づけることになるだろう。やるだけの価値があると考えていなかったことを彼らがやるんだ。そしてそれによって、世界はより良い場所になる。

gizmo: ガジェットとかアイデアとかトリックとかそんな感じなんだと思うんですけど、一語でそれ全部となるとなかなか。とりあえず逃げ。水かけると繁殖したり、夜中に餌を与えると凶暴化したりする奴のことではありません。
otherwise: 訳出してないです。これ次第でこの文全体の訳が変わるような気がするんですが。

402643 journal

haloの日記: インタビュー ウィズ ブルース=スターリング (8)

日記 by halo

8) Distraction and open source : seesik asked
8) 「ディストラクション」とオープンソース : seesikによる
First off, did Marianne Dyson get any NASA funding to help get your T1 trunk to Siberia? ;-)

まず第一に、マリアン=ダイソンはあなたのT1トランクをシベリアに送るための財源をNASAから得られたんですか? ;-)

Secondly, in your most recent book titled Distraction, you base a large part of the economic demise of America on the scenario of the Chinese government making all U.S. commercial software freely available on the net. While I am not deluded about the role and importance of many commercial products, how do you think the recent rise in availability and quality of free software would affect this scenario? How much consideration, if any, did you lend to the free software movement when writing Distraction?


*Well, I could tell you about that Dyson thing, but then I'd have to kill you.

Sterling: えーと、ダイソンのあの一件について君に話してあげることはできるけど、そうすると僕は君を殺さなくちゃいけなくなるんだ。

*I have to confess the Chinese riff was kind of an ass-backward approach to economic collapse there. I wanted to write a book in which it was a given that America's economy had collapsed as badly as Russia's has. So I was looking for plausible excuses for that event to happen.


*So what happened to Russia? Communism collapsed, even though it had really brilliant rhetoric and a lot of pious justifications. Because, as a way of daily life it was hooey, and people just opted out. It didn't matter how many lectures you heard, at bottom there was always something fishy and unworkable about it.


*And you can say much the same about Microsoft and the Software Publishers Association, who really act and think a lot like righteous Marxist commissars trying to beat back "corruption." So if you're looking for a similar weakness in America, it's got to be the "New Economy." Frankly, I don't think the New Economy is any less sound by its nature than the Old Economy. After all, the Old Economy used to blow up and fall down all the time. Outside of the high-tech boom, America's Old Economy still looks about as sick as it did under Reagan.


*But it's easy for readers to imagine America getting really deeply invested into the "Information Economy," and then finding out that the whole shebang is built on sand. That may not be accurate, but it's plausible, and it works for readers. People felt the same kind of nervousness about abandoning the Gold Standard. "You mean I'm just supposed to *pretend* that this money is worth something? What are you, *crazy*?"


*I count myself as quite the fan of GNU/Linux antics. I don't program, and I don't have a GNOME box or anything, but I like the whole Free Software effort, just because it's a radically different industrial method. Society needs phenomena like GNU/Linux because it helps to prevent mental monoculture.


*Besides, I had Stallman in my house once, and he gave me this really wack Conlon Noncarrow CD. Noncarrow was this guy in Mexico who made insane experimental music by cutting holes in player piano spools. This generous act of Stallman's expanded my sense of possibility.

それに加えて、僕はかつてストールマンを我が家に招いたことがある。彼は僕に本当に奇妙なConlon NoncarrowのCDをくれた。Noncarrowはメキシコにいる男で、気違いじみた実験的な音楽を自動ピアノのスプールに穴を明けることで作っている。ストールマンのこの高潔な行いのおかげで、僕の可能性にたいする感覚は拡張されたんだ。


402611 journal

haloの日記: インタビュー ウィズ ブルース=スターリング (9)

日記 by halo

9) Dead Media Manifesto? : Robotech_Master asked
9) 死せるメディア宣言 : Robotech_Masterによる

I read, some time back, a Manifesto of yours dealing with dead (ie doomed or archaic or obsolete) media; it was a very interesting read.


If I'm not mistaken, the thrust of your manifesto was that a research tome on such media should be created, but since you were too swamped with projects, you hoped that people out there on the Internet who read it would come together and help to create the book themselves.


I was wondering if this has been very successful, and if so (or if not) what you have learned from the Manifesto and its consequences.


*Yeah. Well, Dead Media Project was kind of my Linux pitch there; "I got this cool idea, and here's the kernel, so why don't the rest of you guys do all the work?"

Sterling: ああ、そうだね、「死せるメディア計画」は僕にとってのLinux立ち上げみたいなものなんだ。「すごいアイディアがある。カーネルもある。みんなで残りをやっつけてくれないか?」

*I worked on it pretty steady for about three years, and I think we managed to discover pretty much every form of "dead media" extant. Now what's required is somebody to make sense of the whole phenomenon. And don't look at me, because even though I've probably thought about dead media more than anyone else, I don't have any solid conclusions to share.



402608 journal

haloの日記: インタビュー ウィズ ブルース=スターリング (10) 1

日記 by halo

10) The corroded future : Switch asked
10) 腐った未来 : Switchによる

It seems that many modern science fiction authors see the future as a time when society gives up on "physical" community in favor of technology. (i.e ruined govt, city states, corporate martial powers, etc..) Do you see this as an amplification of the state of community in today's world, or is it simply a convenient literary device?


*I think the physical community was a "technology." Irrigation canals, harbors, army barracks, police stations, cathedrals, factories, clocks, forks, running water, that's all "technology."

Sterling: 僕は、「テクノロジー」こそが具体的なコミュニティだと考えている。運河の灌漑、港、兵舎、警察署、教会、工場、時計、農機具、水道、これらは全て「テクノロジー」だ。

*There are a lot more ruined governments right now than there are sound ones. That's not a literary device. Go try living under a ruined government. Moscow right now -- it's about the most William-Gibsonian landscape you are ever likely to see.


"community" :逃げました。はい。

679936 journal

haloの日記: インタビュー ウィズ ブルース=スターリング (11) 2

日記 by halo

11) Your opinion of collaborative writing? : yoshi asked
11) 共同執筆についての意見 : yoshiによる

Some authors consider collaborative writing projects to be rather painful and counterproductive. The Difference Engine , however, was a wonderful piece of writing and seemed to truly be a product of both your and Gibson's styles. My questions:


  • Did you enjoy the challenge of working with another author, especially one with such a distinct style?
  • Do you think that sci-fi is, as a genre, particularly conducive to collaborative projects? If so, why, and if not, any opinion on why they are so common?
  • Do you have any advice for aspiring collaborative writers (other than the key "don't kill your partner")?
  • あなたは他の作家と仕事をする試み、特にあんなに違ったスタイルを持つ人とのそれを、楽しみましたか?
  • あなたはSFが、ジャンルとして、共同作業に向いていると思いますか?もしそう思うなら、何故ですか?そう思わないとしたら、それがこれほど一般的な理由について何か意見はありますか?
  • あなたには、共同執筆を希望する作家たちにアドバイスはありますか?(「汝の相棒を殺すな」という解答以上のもので)

*Yeah, I do a lot of collaboration. I get a lot out of it. It never bothers me much.

Sterling: うん、僕は多くの共同執筆をしてきた。多くのものを得たよ。そんなに悩まされたことは無いな。

*It depends on what you want out of writing. If you like to speculate and play with ideas, then collaboration is great. If you want to write some revelatory material which is deeply felt and reflective of your personal experience, write it in your diary first. Don't tell a soul.


*My advice in collaboration would be to try to put aside your tender ego boundaries, and really strive to understand how the other person thinks as an artist. Ideally, he's got something going-on mentally that you are unable to do, and would be of real use to you as a writer. Collaborative work often fails, and looks goofy even when it works, but it's worth the effort if you expand your composition process and pick up some new chops.


"something going-on mentally":もうちょっとマシな訳は無いものかね>ワタシ

402605 journal

haloの日記: インタビュー ウィズ ブルース=スターリング (12) 2

日記 by halo

12) The Pace of Technology vs. SF :chromatic asked
12) 技術の進歩 vs. SF : chromaticによる

Rereading "Islands in the Net" recently, I was struck by the observation that the humble DVD rendered some of the early scenes almost obsolete (only in a speculative sense).


With that in mind, are there any technological or cultural developments in the past few years that have caused you to rethink your speculations/predictions/opinions about the near future? If so, what are they?


*I wouldn't be betting on the DVD being around very long.

Sterling: 僕はDVDがすごく長持ちするというほうには賭けないよ。

*When the 2020s come around, I'd bet that ISLANDS looks a lot more like the reality on the ground than most other novels written in the 1980s. But Islands in the Net has got the *Soviet Union* in it.


*So what? I don't have to worry about "failed predictions." Selling predictions isn't my stock in trade. I don't have to migrate in a crystal ball in the year 2020 and look back; that's impossible, and not required to do the job. I don't have to read the future in tea leaves. I just have to stand a little closer to the trends than most of my readers do.


*The job of SF is not to reveal your destiny. It's to expand the spectrum of possibility and refresh your thinking.



402604 journal

haloの日記: インタビュー ウィズ ブルース=スターリング (13) 9

日記 by halo

13)Reflections on a future that has arrived. :sugarman asked
13) やって来た未来を検討する: sugarmanによる

We are starting to see parts of the future that you, Mr. Gibson, and others in the cyberpunk genre have predicted come true. Items such as the Mirrorshades are closer than ever to being a reality (the recent work by IBM on body portables being an example).

Are you surprised by how much what you forecasted has or has not come true? Is there anything you thought for sure was going to happen but didn't?

And though hindsight is often useless, in what ways would the current situation (cultural/political/technological) change the stories that you have written? Part of the trap with writing speculative fiction set in the near-future is that as the future date approaches, unless you are dead on with the predictions, the story will move into the realm of wild fantasy. John Carpenter's 'Escape from New York' serves as an example. In the end, it all comes down to the story. How well do you think your stories (and cyberpunk in general) will stand up in 20 years time?




*I'd have to refer you to my earlier answer. I can tell you that I expect the year 2000 to be a pretty lively time. It's a good opportunity to shed a bunch of the old approaches and to think science fiction through from first principles again. Next time I write a science fiction novel, I hope will be a book which could only have been written during the 21st century.

*The part about it "all coming down to the story in the end" is completely bogus. "Escape from New York" is a great piece of pop futurist cinema, but it has no "story" in it. A guy goes on a quest with a time-bomb in his neck. That's not a "story." It's just a wind-up spring to get you through the ensemble cast and the set design. And the dialogue, which is great "Snake -- I heard you was dead." The movie works because it's a spectacular head-trip, not because of its so-called story-telling.

Sterling: 君には、前に出た僕の答えを参照してもらう必要がある。僕は、2000年がかなり活発な時期になると期待しているとは言える。古い方法論を束にして振り捨てて、サイエンスフィクションを第一原理から考え直すいい機会だ。僕がサイエンスフィクションの小説を書く次の機会には、それが21世紀にしか書けない物になることを願ってるよ。

「最終的には、物語が全てだ」とかの部分は全くのでたらめだ。「ニューヨーク1997」はポップな未来派映画の優れたものの一つだ。でもそこに「物語」は無い。一人の男が首に時限爆弾をつけて冒険に行く。そんなのは「物語」じゃない。それは君を登場人物のからみや舞台設定に放り込むためのバネ仕掛けに過ぎない。そして台詞、こんなすごいのだ。「スネーク……お前は死んだって聞いてたぜ。」 その映画がうまくいってるのは、それが豪快に頭をトリップさせてくれるからで、そのストーリーテリングとか言われるもののおかげじゃない。

"In the end, it all comes down to the story."ってこれでいいんかいな。

402603 journal

haloの日記: インタビュー ウィズ ブルース=スターリング (14) 3

日記 by halo

14) スターリングFAQ

Would you reconsider revisting the world of systems crackers and the like "The Hacker Crackdown" was a damn good book.


*Aw, everybody and his sister knows about computer crime now. The world is full of journalists who can cover computer crime issues. Back in the Pleistocene when I was writing HACKER CRACKDOWN, the whole concept of "breaking into computers" was so out-there that it required a science fiction writer to do it. But turning science fiction writers into everyday reporters is a total waste of time. Let somebody else handle that now; I've got to be farther out-there.



384753 journal

haloの日記: サリーは我が恋人

日記 by halo



