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Cambridge University versus Hebrew University: The impact of letter transposition on reading English
Modeling Letter Position Coding in Printed Word Perception. Jonathan Grainger. Walter J. B. Van Heuven.
というか本家記事発見Can You Raed Tihs? (2003年の記事)
Can people read sentences in which the letters are jumbled (2009/4/1の記事)
>There was never a study at Cambridge University.
Word jumble hoax debunked
I’ve previously talked about the Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde uinervtisy hoax. The study described in that hoax has recently been carried out by a team at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and the University of Durham. The data conclusively demonstrates that the hoax is incorrect.
Raeding wrods with jubmled lettres: There is a cost Rayner, K. White, Sarah J. Liversedge, S.P.
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