パスワードを忘れた? アカウント作成
13926991 submission


タレコミ by Anonymous Coward
あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、

bcooks 4 days ago [-]
As DigitalOcean's CTO, I'm very sorry for this situation and how it was handled. The account is now fully restored and we are doing an investigation of the incident. We are planning to post a public postmortem to provide full transparency for our customers and the community.
This situation occurred due to false positives triggered by our internal fraud and abuse systems. While these situations are rare, they do happen, and we take every effort to get customers back online as quickly as possible. In this particular scenario, we were slow to respond and had missteps in handling the false positive. This led the user to be locked out for an extended period of time. We apologize for our mistake and will share more details in our public postmortem.


この議論は、 ログインユーザだけとして作成されたが、今となっては 新たにコメントを付けることはできません。

物事のやり方は一つではない -- Perlな人
